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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Peter Langton

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Everything posted by Peter Langton

  1. Could you tell before you removed it what type it was? And what clolur was yours? is it same model as mine Thanks
  2. You've had a good result there then! :-)
  3. Hi, Check FAQ 56. I got a replacement from eurocarparts, must be the same colour as yours I think! Paul Ok, thank you Peter
  4. Can anyone tell me how to locate the water temp sensor please.
  5. I only heard this, and as my galaxy also suffers from drivers door wind noise, you will see why I am reluctant to try it, but some one once said if you open door, sit on side of seat, put your feet against the door just below the window and with both hands pull the top of the door towards you ( remember to wind down glass first!) This will improve the seal apparently, but would you want to try it. I turn the stereo up, its cheaper!
  6. Hi I bought a set of rails for my 98 si galaxy but they were direct replacements from a breakers. Anyway, if you release the head lining, you'll expose some gromets which cover a threaded hole i recall. Just check out a galaxy with rails and you'll know roughly where to look.
  7. Thank you very much. I would be keen to buy the cable etc and do it myself, I'm just very unsure of which software I would need as the ones I have seen only cover diesel engines from 04 onwards.
  8. My Galaxy 1.9 115 has suffered terribly from lack of power over the last few months, Its been regulaly serviced as it does many miles annually. I have tried disconnecting the mass air flow sensor, its been cleaned, and makes no difference wether it is connected or not. The problem occasionally improves but for a very short time. It does need the thermostat replacing as runs cool in the winter but fine in summer. The glow plug refuses to stay lit on intial cold start and the engine will rapidly rev up on start, but once its warmed, the glow plug light stays on for about 7 secs and it starts fine. Help please..
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