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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

James Ford Galaxy

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Everything posted by James Ford Galaxy

  1. Giannone and the "team" I have made a video of the windows on my new Smart phone. Its the new HTC Desire HD so the quality is very much up to standard. Do you know what else is up to standard. These new Windows. Smoother than the surface of a wooden floor when you used to play skidding as a teenager. Real Smooth. Unfortunately my battery was flat on the ford from playing with windows too much so i just took a picture. Sorry for the dullness, it was raining. http://img.ehow.com/article-page-main/ehow-uk/images/a07/po/dq/remove-primer-car-windows-800x800.jpg
  2. The Chief, I also joined you on your journey through the ket junction in London in that Galaxy and my must concur with everything you have said. I have also just purchased a new Galaxy and i must say, i am most impressed with the smoothness of these windows. Not only that, but im not sure if youve noticed the trays with built in cup holders on the back seats. This is mostly convenient when it comes to the following: Having Picnics Playing Solitaire Holding your medicine Racking up Cupholders for me arent a deal breaker but it did seal the deal for me. I look forward to talking about this more in the near future. Regards, 4d
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