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About Dorchester

  • Birthday 10/08/1953

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    Ford Galaxy TDI

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  1. Hi All Just tried it and it definately doesnt fit Bugger Thanks for help guys
  2. Hi All Just got home ready to change brake light switch on 2001 Mk 2 opend box to find Green switch, looks totally different Still 4 wire Is this a new updated design or have I been supplied with wrong bit? Urgent please as having to change it out in rain before work tonight. Many thanks Steve
  3. Had the same problem on my Gal. Only after I started using a new bottle of screen wash from Halfords. Used same as before "buy one get one free" so thought it must be dodgy mixture. Washed it all out ,threw new screen wash away and bought scented concentrated bottle. Has tobe screen wash mixture I would think
  4. :) Thanks for advice and help so far, think I will try the soak and ease method first!! Trouble with Ebay buying chances are it could be on its way like the one Ive got :huh: Does anybody have part no? Is it a complete assembly (hope not) Maybe cheaper from VW if its the same part or anyother source? Ok without wipers this week But this is the UK and the clouds are probably forming as we speak :) Plus Mum of Four has spoken to me for the first time :)
  5. Last week my wipers on 2001 TDI stopped working . A search on here revealed the problems of wiper mechanisms. Last night I removed the entire mech, thanks to posts on here. The problem is the drivers side spindle is seized solid!!! Tried WD40 but no go so far. Can you take apart this spindle? Any pointers how to get it apart? The other option is to replace it. Does anyone know if the wiper backplate with just the 2 spindles is available ? or is it a total unit of motor/arms etc? Any help would be great. If parts available where from/part numbers etc. Sorry for so many questions Thanks for ALL your help. Steve
  6. Today is a Good Day!! :lol: :lol: B) Just an update for you all. Gazza007 was spot on with his help and advice. Removed trim around switch unit, came off easily using a knife blade to lever in the smap gap. Having removed torx screws , whole unit popped out. Pulled off plugs , sprayed with contact cleaner ,refitted and NOTHING had changed! Resprayed and put on and off plugs a few times . Hey presto Normal service has resumed. Frauds profits are sadly declining B) B) B) B) B) :lol: To Gazza007 thanks for your time and trouble To" Mr Helpful" who offered assistance on radio many thanks To Galaxy Forum How could we manage without you.
  7. Thanks Gazza007 a true St Christopher :o Its easy when you know how!! Will have a good go at this on Saturday to stop my feet roasting ( with size 12's they got very hot lol Having checked my radio manual NO codes written in!! Hope I can get some help on that one , but understand the security issue. prefer no radio than hot feet anyway. Thanks once again Gazza007
  8. Is there nobody who can point me in the right direction ? Having to work on car parked in road so dont want to take apart too much of dash etc looking for electrical plug. Whats worse took out radio and then checked book No radio code written in!! One day life will be simple
  9. I am sure this is a simple problem, they usually are to the knowledgable :lol: On my 2001 TDI the heater controls/panel above ashtray has the following probl;em. The only knob that works is main blower, the hot to cold, outlet function do nothing. At night the backlights on this panel do not work. However the fan function does work. Heater on full hot onto feet at moment as cant change. Is there a common fuse or a wiring loom plug that controls all these functions? The fact that so many functions in one panel are out suggests a lead problem or fuse. Any help on this one please Steve
  10. Thanks guys brilliant help, Just read last post, started laughing, she who must be obeyed said "what you laughing at" Think I could be in trouble :o
  11. Got an X reg 2001 TDI galaxy, so far so good. My problem is my "clumsy" girlfriend managed to snap the adjuster nob ( plastic about 3 inch dia) on the side of the seat Do any of you very knowledgeable owners know, Can you buy new ones from "ford bandits" or is it the same as some other model that I could get from a breaker? Have visions of Mr Ford saying
  12. Thanks vr6galaxy Glad I found this site So much to read up on, Might actually get the Galaxy working right ALL the time :unsure:
  13. Hi Guys & Gals I have a 2001 Galaxy Tdi. The preheat light goes out after waiting a few seconds. Engine starts fine but after a minute or so it starts flashing on dash!!! Anyone have any ideas ? A cure maybe or is down to the local "Robber" Main Dealer?
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