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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Galaxy Ghia 1.9 tdi
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    North West

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  1. Im planning on fitting the leisure battery behind the last row of seats in the rear of the vehicle. As for ventilating the battery, my thoughts on this were to open the rear vent windows. As this leisure battery will only be being charging up through this split charge system when the engine is running and the vehicle is moving. I've seen other similar split charge systems in landrovers and vans inside the cab under the seats etc. Its obviously not advisable to smoke near a charging battery and they deserve some respect in use. In my kit which is a voltage sensitive type, The fused positive link and relay itself could be installed close to the starter battery compartment. This then continues through another fuse at the other end where the leisure battery is situated. The only other connections are a thin wire from the relay to the starter batteries -tive terminal, and a grounding cable from a suitable earthing point to the leasure batteries -tive terminal. Also keep any wiring that is unfused to an absolute minimum.
  2. Hi, Many thanks for your replies I've had a look behind the ABS valve block and found what seems to be the round grommet! It looks around 50mm in diameter? Theres a smaller 25mm circular disc shape higher up but this looks more like a moulding in the bulkhead. I cant physically touch either to confirm they're rubber, even tried getting a photo, but cant get near enough as they are both quite obscured with the coolent expansion bottle etc. Did you drill it from the engine bay or guestimate it, strip down the glove box and surrounding areas and drill it from inside the car. Once again thanks for your help Dave
  3. Cheers for the replys. I guess the auxillery fuse box, is the box that is connected from the alternator to the battery under the bonnet? This fuse box I had to replace once, due to a the main cable melting it on a poor loose connection? Believe it's a common fault on Galaxies! Also which fuse could I get a supply feed from? I ask this as the relay is 100A and the protective fuses supplied are 50A. From under the bonnet whats the best way to gain access into the car through the bulkhead? as it seems pretty compact in the engine bay! Once again thanks for your help Dave
  4. Hi this is my first topic on this forum so here goes. I have a 51 plate Galaxy Ghia tdi 113bhp which was first registered in 2002. We currently use it regularly for camping trips and in the past have flattened the battery using the onboard cigar sockets for running a multitude of 12v gizmos. This being the case I have since bought an 100Amp voltage sensitive split charge relay kit to enable a leisure battery to be connected and charged by the alternator. This kit doesnt need the usual trigger cable spliced into the ignition warning light connection to the alternator! It does however require a 10mm2 fused cable being run from the starter battery in the engine compartment to the auxillery leisure battery which will be located in the rear behind the back row seats. This routing the 10mm2 cable part of the installation is causing problems. I'm wanting to find the easiest way and possibly even go underneath the Galaxy with this cable secured and contained in round split conduit to protect it from the elements. I'd welcome some advice on a good route for the cable and has anyone else done this type of modification on a similar car. cheers Dave
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