cheers for that ive just found out that using the pcv line isnt a good idea way too much vacume, ill try what u said tho, when i first turn on the cell with the bonnet open (i have remote control starting) the engine does go much quieter dont know if its the cell or water vapour but all im doing is trying to find a gimick gadget anything to save money as its so dam expensive to drive these days the acetone defo makes a saving proved that 100%, i started the topic as ive been told time and time again NO YOU CANT or no that wont work but proved peolpe wrong from the days of an apprentice mechanic 31 years ago if you dont try you dont know and if we didnt keep pushing the boundries then the world would still be flat and we would be living in caves just one more thing since installing the pulse width modulator from ebay im only drawing 5 amps but producing much more gas infact ive had to change the bubbler today to a bigger one and can now turn the signal down more on the MAF sensor, taking it to friends garage to see whats going on with emissions next week, ive been in touch with DVLA i got to send log book off as its classed as dual fuel but the good news is i get cheaper road tax "yippy" just got to get the emmissions checked and system checked out