I went out today and on the way home I noticed that it was not changing through the gears as it should the wife said to me that it may be just a turn the engine off then restart clitch, anyway we were on a hill waiting for the traffic lights to change so I turned the ignition off and to my utter disbelief the sodding thing wouldn't start turn over or anything so on went the hazards, I had recovery with direct line for 12 years and never called them out so stopped it 2 months ago (typical) it was as if the inhibitor switch was not working, also I could switch on the ignition and not have to put my foot on the brake to change the gear selector also the dash lights that tell me what gear I am in wasn't working there was just a blank section where it should be, After half an hour I got the wife to ring for a taxi to take her and the 3 kids home whilst I stayed and tried to work out the problem (