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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by grayST24

  1. I can't help with the bolt size, but I can help with your lock nuts.. There is a special socket you hammer on and as you put pressure on to remove the nut the socket grips more.. Makes a very hard job easy http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_categoryId_165469_productId_196491_langId_-1?cm_mmc=Shopping-_-Google%20Product%20Search-_-Workshop+%26+Tools%2FHand+Tools-_-Laser+Locking+Wheel+Nut+Remover&source=shopping&istCompanyId=b8708c57-7a02-4cf6-b2c0-dc36b54a327e&istItemId=lwqlli&istBid=t
  2. I'll second that... I have only been on here a few weeks but already the forum and it's members have helped out immensely Thanks peeps
  3. WANTED: rear load cover in grey please For 99 galaxy Pm me with details and price please grayST24
  4. I had the water lines on my gal when I first got it.. Was out in pouring rain one day and discovered It was pouring in from the sunroof drains... Pull down your headlining and reconnect the pipes and that should solve it
  5. Today I lifted the sodden soundproofing ( it's the drivers side that is worst but passengers is damp too, I found this lovely modification in the drivers footwell...You can see a rusty hole in the middle by the digits 044.. http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t10/gra325/81b5a502.jpg What a good way to deal with a flooded footwell eh? Just drill up from under the car.. The hole isn't even on a low point so as you can see from the pic I have some lovely smelling old water sitting in there too lol I think I may have the central locking thing dealt with too, I have managed to release the deadlocks again and simply unplugged the multi plug from the lock solenoids so I now have manual locking..its not ideal but at least now I can rely on it opening when required
  6. I also want to know where this is on my 99 2.3 ghia I want to remove all the unpredictable stuff or alarm, central locking especially deadlock feature and immob I live in an area where security is not an issue and just want to be able to trust the car to open/close and start everytime I use it
  7. @ Mirez I bought what I believed to be the best car available at the time...99 ford engined 2.3 auto ghia with near full service history, 115000 miles on the clock, full Mot, did my usual checks i.e. look for rot, play, overheating, switches etc at the time of purchase there were no issues other than the remote locking not working and it being due it's next service and needing new brake pads With all that in mind and At
  8. im in the same boat as you Vicky.. fuse is fine but still nothing central locking is completely dead!!!
  9. when we decided to buy an mpv as the family car it was a toss up between the shalaxambra and the chrysler voyager oh how we wish we had bought the voyager ;) dont get me wrong i could love the galaxy if it wasnt for the amount of problems we have had with it in the couple of months we have owned it tbh its really quite crap that a car of this age has so many issues, i run a classic bmw 325 sport (1987) and in the 8 years i have owned that i haven't even had close to half the headaches that the galaxy has presented me with
  10. right fitted my new lock kits and have got both front doors locking and unlocking..problem is the first time i locked the car (after fitting lock kit)the indicators flashed twice and the rear doors are now deadlocked.. the boot opens manually by turning the key in the lock but it no longer opens with the solenoid.. front doors are still locking/unlocking manually but not centrally. can anyone help? what on earth is going on with it? and where do i find the central locking control hub and relays? i should mention also, there is no life from the led in the drivers door also tried to link the remote key back in and the key flashes as though its sending out a signal but nothing from the car itself
  11. If indeed you intend to sell it as spares or repair the door lock wouldn't matter to most, just list it with this information.. I am at my wits end with mine, I have had nothing but problems since buying the darn thing and one of the biggest problems has been the locking system.. I have sorted all the broken wires,greased all the locks and spent money on the kit to fix the broken bits in the handle itself which causes it to spin, only to find that when I locked the car it deadlocked everything AGAIN!!! And won't open I am sorely tempted to set fire to the thing!!! Shame because it could have been such a good car
  12. Where are you situated?
  13. Sounds like low fluid to me.. I recently had much the same problem drained flushed and topped up gearbox oil and all is well again so far at least Another thing to do is remove the gearknob and the plastic surround to reveal the well that the wiring and shaft go down into, I'm sure, like me, you will find about a litre of water in there soaking the gearbox wiring nicely Good luck with it folks
  14. So much for no flooded footwell.. Lifted carpet for a closer inspection and found that the soundproofing is absolutely sodden.. This is going to be fun NOT!
  15. Got my vagcom today, managed to source and clear a few fault codes Thanks paul, looks like it would need a trip to frauds which won't be happening, I have an ST24 with the same key problem and they quoted me
  16. Ok so every door had about 6-8 broken and corroded wires, so I have now soldered and spliced in new wires to all doors ( it's been a fun day lol) windows are now all working fine just hope they will stay up now Ordered VAG-com and new lock kit in the hopes of fixing the locks next.. am I right in thinking I can use the VAG-com to reprogramme my key? No flooded footwell, and no modules under passenger seat just one little black box with a red button on it what's this for? Fuel cutoff reset?
  17. Thanks gregers I'll look for the lock kit
  18. Hi all I have a 99 galaxy 2.3 ghia auto and last night went out to the garage to discover the windows all fully open, funny, I thought, so anyway my remote doesn't work so I put my key in the drivers doorlock and turned to lock for 10 secs to activate Global closure system worked fine all closed up fine and car deadlocked.. I then turned the key back to open it and something broke and fell inside the door..S**t!!! I got in the passengers door with my key, stripped the doorcard from the drivers door and found the remnants of the tbh I'm not sure what I did to release them but the deadlocks are off now so I left it over night Now my problems really start.. Came out this morning and found all the windows down again, tried using switches to put them back up but no joy, went for a drive and the front switches started working again but the back still is stuck down How do I get the window back up? And how can I disable the global closing forever? I plan to get a replacement door handle, lock and key from eBay or somewhere Thanks in advance G
  19. Tenner for switches?
  20. Try this.. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=6103&st=0 I'm not sure if the 2.8 is the same but I just did my 2.3 yesterday with much success HTH
  21. Thanks chris.. Did a bit more digging last night and found the answer I needed, Gearbox now topped up and working perfectly again
  22. Ok, so stripped back the headlining to find the drivers side drainage pipe had come off. so did the same as Terry, cleaned them out and refitted.. No joy it turns out my whole sunroof tray is full of hes and letting water in all over the place. Can't decide if I will use the sunroof enough to go to all the hassle of stripping it all out to replace, I might just tigerseal the sunroof up for life
  23. Just used this as a guide to doing the fluid on my mk1 2.3 auto and all sorted now
  24. I'll revive this thread as I too have this problem.. Want to check oil level but can't find the dipstick Can anyone help?
  25. Mine is pouring in at the clock.. I'll need to strip back the rooflining and take a look for this pipe Thanks for that info
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