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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    ford galaxy mk2 1.9TDI
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    North East

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  1. Hi no that's not the case when we bought the galaxy from the garage the first thing we had fhe timing belt and water pump after a few months I noticed that the bottom hose The bottom hose was not getting hot so I asked a mate who works at fords and he adviced to change the thermostat although I had heating in the car was ok so anyway he came round changed the thermostat and the water starting coming out of expansion when the vehicle had been driving but if i leave the car for a couple of days not using it I check the water which is no the min mark and as i undo the pressure cap the water rises to the max mark and I can see water/antifreeze in the battery tray.
  2. Hi thank you for that I do check the water level on a daily basis and I tend to dry around the expansion cap take the galaxy out for run come back and there is water around the cap again. Would you recommend getting a pressure test done on the head to see if the head gasket has gone.
  3. Hi can anyone please help I have a 2002 Galaxy 1.9TDI which has covered nearly 100,000 miles when I bought the car about a 1.5 years ago I had the timing belt , water pump and thermostat replaced all was well untill about 5 months i noticed that there was water around the expansion cap so I replaced the cap on the bottle but still the poroblem there. The enginge does not overheat the temp gauge sits at 90 all the time. I park the car overnite on the drive and cheak the water when cold and I can see that the water has dropped to the min mark but as i undo the pressure cap the water rises and a load hissing noice occurs. Can Anyone please help with this problem
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