hi guys just jacked up my car to check wheel bearings on the front found to be ok , but as im rocking wheel up and down there is a lot of movement at the top of the shocker is this natural on this vehicle or are the top bushes worn? all help will be welcomed seems to drive ok and no tyre wear
[hi sorry for delay on reply it sounds under dash but infact i think its the power steering as when i just touch the steering wheel it stops making the noise thx for your replys guys ...
there is a timer realy on some of the galaxys this means it stays on for a few seconds often when messing around with lights this can fail best see if you have a feed to one side of the light and door switch
hi there can anyone help me when im sat in traffis i get a bubbling sound from under bonnet .( not header tank thats fine ) when i pull away it goes soon as i stop in traffic it starts again anybody got any idea thx
any body got a galaxy with this really buggin sound ,,, when my 2.3 l galaxy is stood in traffic i get a burblin sound but when i rev up it goes away any idea :)