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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by shauneco

  1. Taken from another forum: "Your symptoms might not necessarily be down to a faulty auto box. I had weird symptoms with my car banging into gear and not changing up when it should when cruising. Like you I thought the auto box might be having difficulties. In the end the problem was due to a faulty air mass sensor (aka MAS). The sensor measures the amount of air fed to the engine and feeds that figure to the engine management system. My car is not a Ford Galaxy but it is a 1998 2.4 V6 petrol with a ZF 5 speed electronic auto box. I think the best way forwards for you is to get your car hooked up to a diagnostics computer and then get the fault/error codes analysed that way you know exactly what's wrong and where you stand. Good luck!" I suggest getting it hooked up to a diagnostics machine.
  2. Are they not all timing chains? They don't normally snap.
  3. Good thread, Well today I've fixed my seized wiper linkages, Without even looking here first..!!!! I recall a few years a go I replaced the linkages with brand new ones from Ford on my old Galaxy, Was
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