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About wilkinsonbaz

  • Birthday 09/19/1964

Profile Fields

  • Vehicle Type
    galaxy 1999 mk1 1.9tdi zetec
  • Vehicle Model
  • Region
    North East

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  • Gender
  • Location
    otley west yorkshire

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Member (2/8)



  1. hi sorry for delay in response been working away if you email me at wilkinsonbaz53@aol.co.uk will sort out details thanks baz
  2. hi you dont remove the turbo just the flexi exhaust pipe i have seen it on tdi forums where they use mr muscle oven cleaner it just has to be a certain ingredient but its just flushing it out afterwards so it doesnt affect the cat, you get a can of flushing fluid with the innotec kit to neutralize the cleaner
  3. hi mine is mk1 99t tdi so others might vary especially if its petrol engined but the 12v on pin 16 is a permanent 12v fed from fuse19 the one for central locking etc the kline feed on pin7 on mine read 10v ign on 11v ign off, now the ross tech info tells you to check the kline feed by putting a 1k ohm resistor across pins 7 and 4 and check the voltage when i did that makes my digital voltmeter vary quickly from 2 to max 10 volts so presume its pulsing sending a signal to communicate with the cable because of the resistor as for the led when its plugged into to a laptop the led is lit but now i have the 12v on pin 16 its brighter without the laptop connected and the fuse pulled out there is no light on cable, thats the bit i missed checking. now i have 3 cables all do the same no 12v pin16 no litey ign on or not, then led on but bit dim when hooked to laptop. so can be a quick checked for anyone with similar problems plug cable in make sure the lights on before hooking to laptop regards baz
  4. a quick update on the turbo pressure just checked turbo its running about 150 over requested when foot to floor but not upto the high figures it was hitting before i used the innotec cleaner picked up another cleaning kit cheap off ebay couple of months ago so i'm going to give it a flush when i service engine later in month.
  5. hi folks at last ive got the vagcom working it was the 12v supply mising on pin16 there must be a break in the wire somewhere, the fuse is intact had already checked it before the vag com cable even though it had the led lit might have been getting that from the usb supply anyway its working a treat abs is rh front not sensing so can sort that out so anyone getting similar problems check the socket wiring you only have pin4 and 5 ground, pin7 kline or diagnostc feed and the 12v supply on pin16 you can find more info at http://www.ross-tech.com/vag-com/aftermarket-radio.html it also gives you info of how to test the pins, easy cure after all that, kicking myself for not checking wiring earlier but with it working fine before didnt think it would be the problem! anyway anyone in otley west yorks wanting a vagcom cable for price of a pint let me know i now have 3 one other thing i checked was the turbo pressure as in one of my other posts i had limp home mode and cured it with innotec turbo cleaner the actual pressure with foot to floor is running about 150 over requested but still no limp home yet its been about a year since i cleaned turbo so going to run some more innotec through turbo when i service engine later in month regards baz
  6. hi thanks for replys a neighbours got an 02 seat leon tdi so im going to give it a try over weekend ive been reading on tdi forums and ross tech about checking the pin outputs especially the k line and watching out for non original stereos that been fitted and problems with vagcom i also read on a forum that if the abs light is on which mine is the abs module sometimes causes problems with vag com this was vw's but guess it could easily be the same with galaxy's its just frustrating it was working fine before, but will post my results it might help someone else regards baz
  7. hi thanks for reply yes ignition switched on done the options screen and com port changes when tested port ok but just wont see interface have restarted tried different laptops and just bought another ebay cable with drivers from a seller thats sold 8482 cables so they must work but getting just same results! and just put a fresh copy of windows xp on the laptop i used so it shouldnt have any conflict with past drivers or vcds lite programs etc but same results port ok interface not found grrr!! i think it must be the car or socket so am going see if i can find wiring diagram for socket and have a look at the weekend thanks baz
  8. Hi gregers thanks for reply but tried com port settings in advanced screen etc and if i swap cable to different usb port xp says new hardware found. Loads driver then says new hardware ready to use gives it a different port number which I've tried it leaving and changing in both vagcom and xp device manager but stil says interface not found. Might have to risk another ebay cable thanks baz
  9. hi all, hope someone can come up with the solution to my vag com hassle!! about a year ago bought cheap ebay cable, downloaded vcd lite hooked it up had to do com port settings, drivers etc but worked a treat, used measuring blocks, communicated with car and sorted out my faults etc then just after xmas abs light came on so thought ah laptop out vagcom cable hooked up, it was the same laptop, cable, software, car-mk1 99t 110bhp tdi. hooked it up ignition on vcd says "port ok interface not found" so after several attempts bought another cable slightly more expensive still same results, so since then have tried another laptop, changing drivers, port numbers, tried all usb ports on both laptops, installed a fresh version of xp, tried disconnecting car battery, tried 409.1 software, searched the internet and spoke to cable supplier all gave no better results, there must be something im missing or can it be that the ecu goes faulty and just wont connect some times, the cable led is on when hooked up. its really doing my head in ahh!!! so hope someone out there can help thanks baz
  10. hi folks like i'm sure a few others i've suffered with limp home mode and tried various cures, changing vaccuum pipes, checking n75 etc etc only to be frustrated with the results not curing the limp mode so after reading various forums on using innotech turbo cleaning kit some with some good and bad results i thought it was worth a try, what a great result wish it had been one of the first things i tried quite simple to do and proved it must have been sticky turbo vanes all along, as well as the turbo cleaner you get a strong injector cleaner you put straight into the fuel filter not only has it cured limp home mode but the acceleration is much smoother, less smoke and better cold starting. well worth the
  11. hi its a mk1 99t plate do you think it might be worth taking out the ecu to have a look at the map sensor i'm guessing its more a faulty map sensor rather than a boost or pipe leaking when i ran it with the vacuum pipe from the n75 valve disconnected(no boost) it ran fine apart from bit sluggish, (had a nissan serena 2.3d non turbo before galaxy so used to sluggish performance!) but it never went into limp home mode tried it by keeping engine running reconnecting pipe and boost was there straight away so it wasn't in limp mode, the map wasnt sensing under boosting read the post about renewing the pipe inside the ecu to the map sensor was going to try that at weekend thanks john
  12. hi going on holiday soon and need to sort out my galaxy and its limp home problem kept going into limp mode so have read loads of forums i changed all vaccuum pipes except one to ecu (it seems ok) N75 seems to work ok made sure turbo actuator has smooth movement tried disconnecting vacuum pipe near N75 valve so no vaccuum to turbo so i had no turbo boost i presumed this meant turbo vanes werent sticking the second you reconnect vaccuum pipe full boost straight away just got a vagcom cable the error code that shows up and it comes up every time i go into limp mode is 17563 P1155 which from searching means manifold absolute pressure sensor circ. short to b+ does this mean the map sensor on the ecu is faulty or is still caused by under/over boost from turbo or something else? only got a couple of months to get it sorted so hoping someone can point me in right direction thanks john
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