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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    galaxy 1.9 tdi
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  1. yes as soon as it hits 3000rpm it hesitates and goes all crap intill i stop and turn off the ignition then ok again till 3000rpm
  2. hi still having trouble with loss of power cars crap on hills have to be in first second gear slow picking up wont go above 65-70 chaged maff sensor and map sensor took it to a ford garage localy to me they said there code readers could not read ecu as its a 2001 1.9tdi and said its a volkswagan engine so phoned volkswagan and thay said its ther engine but all the sensors and the ecu is ford so they cannot do anything any idears. thanks
  3. hi my 2001 ford galaxy 1.9tdi keeps lossing power seems slugish all the time its like when you put your foot down it takes time for the turbo to kick in wont go faster than 65-70 it is like it hicups and i have to stop and switch the engine of to reset it unpluged the maff and it seemed worse do anyone think is a dodgy maff
  4. does anyone think the car when in limp mode when the lights whent
  5. thanks for the reply i will change the switch
  6. hi my names glen and im new. just bought a 2001 galaxy 1.9tdi and on the way home from buying it from the garage all was fine but got on to the m4 motorway and it lost power. could not go faster than 65-70 and it was slow picking up in all the gears so stoped at a motorway service station phoned the dealer and told him he said to take it to a garage and let him know what is up with it. started off again and all was fine loads of power and quick through the gears. but got home and got another problem some kind of coil light on the dash read the forun and theres talk about the break light switch cheacked the break lights not workins. two problems in three hours of buying the car, can anyone help me please.thanks
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