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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Main273

  1. it was all working untill i started drying out out today
  2. Hi, I just bought a 2001 1.9tdi galaxy. The dealer cleaned the interior. Well they must have stood in the car with a presure washer and gone mad. The carpets are soaked. They are drying out slowley. A few problems have started to come to light: 1) It stinks really mouldy, 2) The radio display keeps looking like its in Russian, 3) The heating control lights keep flickering on and off, 4) When i put it into reverse the dash lights illuminate and reverse lights dont work. Are all the above faluts to do with water in the electrical system and will the cler up once the car is dry????? Also how do i get the musty smell to go once its dry??? thanks Chris
  3. Hi the third row seatbelts are very slow to retract. Is this an mot failure and can i use wd40 on them to free them up?
  4. Hi, Any one know what size speakers fil in a mk1. Is it 6.5" (17CM) or could i get away with some 7 x 10's? Also where can i get a cheap head unit? Ford or any other?
  5. just to let you know i adjusted the trottle and now she purrs
  6. Hi, We have a 'N' reg Mk1 galaxy 2.0l petrol. It starts first time but if the revs drop below 1000rpm the engine dies. Can any one suggest where to start looking? Ive been told it could be a vacume pipe come loose. When inspecting the engine the other day for the first time (on had the car 2 days) i did find what looks like a vacume hose with a t peice at one end and a straight connector the other. Any ideas whene this goes?
  7. murphys law. we have a 2.0l petrol. any suggestions?
  8. which vagcom lead dp i need? Looking on ebay there a loads but none say galaxy
  9. hi, does any one know if a mk 1 galaxy has the little gizmo that runs a diagnostic like the mondeos do? I know you have to hold the milage reset button in and then start it.
  10. Hi, We are just about to buy an N reg ford galaxy 2.0l petrol. Its only costing
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