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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Galaxy Mk1
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    South East

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. I have the same issue with my V-Reg Galaxy. Fuses are fine, but tripometer resets itself every time I put the key in the ignition, no central locking. Also, no central locking ECU beneath passenger seat (I had the old "water in the footwell" issue, so I thought I'd check there first. Are there any suggestions on where to go from here? =)
  2. Just to let you know, just as I was contemplating throwing myself under the next moving vehicle (!) I managed to trace the problem back to a loose earth wire connection from the starter motor to ground. Hardly daring to hope that it might fix the problem, I cleaned it up, fastened it securely and the engine started first time. Thanks so much for helping a newbie such as myself - I'm very grateful. :lol: I'm sure that I shall be back on this brilliant site again in the future (though part of me kind of hopes that I won't have to!) Thanks again :) Rob
  3. Thanks, and sorry - I knew I'd forget something! It's a V Reg 2.3 litre petrol (I think it's the MK1 - where do I find the engine code?) and it's a manual transmission. :lol:
  4. Hi everybody - first time poster on this site, though I've read a lot from you all ever since I got my galaxy back in October. I'm having a bit of a problem at the moment that's making me tear my hair out. My car's been working fine since October until two days ago when it wouldn't start. It has never had a problem starting before except for perhaps a little bit of occasional over-run on the starter when turning the engine over. I'd used the car three times already on the day it happened, with no problems. The fourth time I went to start it, it did nothing. The starter didn't even click. I noticed that, when turning the key to the on position the battery light on the dash was very dim, but after turning the key round to crank the engine and releasing it back into position the battery light is strong and steady. I have checked and replaced my infamous Relay 30, but that has made no difference. I've checked all the fuses, but they're all fine. I've even taken out the starter motor and checked it independently of the rest of the vehicle and it seems to be working okay. I'm thinking I must have some kind of wiring problem, but I have no idea where to even start - all the wires I can easily access seem to be in good condition aqnd connected properly. When I try to start the car there is a humming noise (which I think must be the fuel pump?) and the LED on the driver's side door lights up steady for about three seconds before going off again. Any ideas where I should start looking? I'd be grateful for any help that you kind folks might be able to give. :lol: Rob PS - The battery is well charged and I have not noticed any issues with my alternator...
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