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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Autumn

  1. The dash was stripped to check the heater matrix, there were no signs of current leakage although the garage has said there is evidence of the carpet being taken up before so perhaps historically there was one? I'm thinking if there was a leak in the matrix, this could have caused the head gasket? There was also signs of sealant in the coolant reservoir so perhaps they had tried that the seal the matrix? don't know, there is also a receipt for a new water pump. The filter was changed from the engine side, just to clear up any confusion. Is the pollen filter located behind the coolant reservoir and it;s about a foot long, that's what was changed, I know it was changed as they showed me the old one they took out, the new one is white and clean! I have switched the rear heater to low and cold setting and I still get the smell when I switch the front heater on.
  2. Hi, Thanks for your reply. I had the air con serviced and re-gassed at the weekend, they guy who did this said he didn't think an air con cleaner would remove the coolant smell as it only comes through the air vents when the heater is switched on, otherwise it would come through when the cold air is pulled through into the car. However, for
  3. Hi, I have a 2002 Ford Galaxy, diesel. Unfortunately I bought it privately and lets say the previous owner wasn't too forthcoming with the truth! Anyhow, after having the head gasket raplaced on the car, I'm still getting a coolant smell coming through the air vents but only when the heater is switched on. The car has been checked for leaks and there are no apaprent leaks from the heather matrix or hoses. The garage that did the head gasket have since stipped the dash and replaced the filter but that hasn't solved the problem. Any suggestions please? Don't really want to do a full dash removal again! I think it could be the heater matrix but confused as there are no noticeable leaks. Thank.
  4. Hi. I have recently bought a 2002 Ford Galaxy Zetec. It came supplied with 2 keys. One has the open and close buttons for the central locking, (which the previous owners told me doesn't work) and I have another key with no buttons on. The previous owner said to open the car, i'm to use the key with no buttons on it by putting it in the door, then use the key with buttons on it to start it. My questions are:- Would both keys not open the doors manually Would both keys not start the ignition How do I get the key fob with buttons working remotely? Apologies, I haven't tried messing with either keys as i'm most lieky to set the alarm off and/or lock me in/out of the car! Believe me, my track record isn't good! Thanks, Jo.
  5. It's def a Y reg from the number plates on the photos, i'll need to check with the garage, they must have the advert wrong.
  6. That's great, thanks for the quick response.
  7. Hi, I'm looking at buying a 1999 (Y reg) Galaxy Ghia 16v Petrol, can you tell me if this has a belt or chain? Am I right in thinking, if it's a chain then it doesn't need changing? If it's a belt, what intervals are recommended for changing? Thanks.
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