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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    2000 Galaxy 1.9Tdi

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  1. Sounds like he is going to be OK according to recent news reports. Fingers crossed. :) If anyone wants to leave a message for Richard and at the same time support the Yorkshire Air Ambulance (charitable organisation) who rushed him from Elvington to Leeds then please do so by visiting http://www.justgiving.com/PHRichardHammond - this appeal originated on pistonheads.com and has far exceeded the expectations of everyone involved. Each mission costs around
  2. purplemadboy - it could be worse - this is the present my wife presented to me when I got back one day..... http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b201/944pi/scraped_galaxy.jpg This is the reason she no longer parks in multi-storey car parks....... :blink: Plus she's done the rear bumper in as well now! And scraped both front alloys! So if anyone knows where I can get a replacement rear bumper and some alloys refurbed (preferably in Nottingham) then let me know. Wimmin eh! :angry: ;) :(
  3. New sub-section with a sticky at the top? Can this forum handle stickies? (Ordered a new glow plug today - should arrive tomorrow and be fitted soon after that, if I can brave the cold long enough :D )
  4. My 2000 ghia has them but only one of them works ( :D ) may get round to finding why soon - just got to sort out the booster heater first!
  5. What's your RPM when it's idling? johnb80 - I'd say it's a 1998 Galaxy, Mk1 1.9Tdi with an auto box :blink: You having a bad day?
  6. Or if we could link to searches, edit existing posts (would only need to be 1 in each thread) to include keywords? Just a thought......
  7. Damn, I've been rumbled :D Seriously though, couldn't agree more. It only takes a few 'idiots' to come on here and behave in such way that they diminish the motivation and willingness of the few to give their technical advice. I've lurked for a while and tried to contribute as well as asking my own questions. A FAQ would be great and something I've seen on the pug306.net and porsche forums that I subscribe to. For starters though a 'sticky post' at the top of the technical section that contained links to definitive posts or to popular searches should cut down on repeated questions for the same problems. Phil
  8. I own a diesel - in fact I own 2. I don't smoke a pipe or own 'driving pants'. My booster heater is not working but I'm not confused as reading the excellent information on here I know how to sort it out. I'm the one hurtling past at 95 but still getting 35mpg, paying less to the insurance companies than I would if I would have got the v6 I nearly bought. I have a job too! Wow, it's amazing how much in common we have :angry: Perhaps we could have a Technical Sub-section just for TDi Models (or booster heaters)? Phil
  9. Thanks for the info - what else can be replaced on the front end - is replacing the bushes on the lower arm a fraud job? We've got a noise on our front end - reverse it off the drive and when the brake is applied a 'clunky' rattle is heard - don't think it happens again while driving though. Think I'll be investigating this a littler further.
  10. How can you tell if the drop links need replacing? Phil
  11. When we had power loss problems about 18 months ago the garage where we took it eventually replaced the MAF (even though I suggested that was the problem when I took it in! If only I had felt more brave then to sort it out myself) They told me it wasn't just the MAF but the wiring to the MAF as they charged me
  12. Hi The high level brake light on our 2000 Galaxy Ghia Tdi (auto) has stopped working. I removed it to have a look and cannot see anything wrong with the fitting itself, bulbs seem intact etc. Anyone got any ideas on what to check? I don't have a wiring diagram so its a bit like needle hunting! Phil
  13. Hi We have a 2000, 1.9Tdi Ghia Auto (110bhp) with approximately 96k on the clock. I've looked at getting a chip upgrade in the past and was particularly impressed with Van Aaken's claims. Does anyone have any recommendations? Has anyone suffered any problems since fitting a chip, e.g. blowing head gaskets, turbos etc? Thanks, Phil
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