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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. you can re program the key fob put the key in the lock turn it 3 times to the unlock position the led in door should flash now press the lock button on fob and hold and prress unlock 3 times and it should be programmed hope this help, ive just done mine cheers
  2. copy and paste, cant go wrong...
  3. get the key that opens the door put it in the lock turn it to the unlock position 3 times and the led in the door will flash then i think you hold the lock button and press unlock 3 times this will program the key fob then just put the spare somewhere safe
  4. vauxhall zafira boooooo! if you think you had problems with the galaxy wait till you have the vauxhall for a while my sister in law has one and it falls to bits while your driving, the build quality is poor compared to vw's good luck with it though, i kinda like the look of the new shape ones
  5. very generous gesture thankyou i will havea look in the faq's
  6. i think they should tick when there working so put the sensors on then have a listen around
  7. Ok so i checked out the speaker today, it looks brand new wiring all seems fine although i havent check the loom apart from what i could see in the back anything else i could try or shall i get someone to vag.com it thanks
  8. i need to do mine but ive found them for
  9. i had the same problem this was a nightmare job for me there is a connecting piece in between the pipe and the block, it like a nut with threads on each end everytime i went to tighten up the nut on the pipe it would work the other loose, in the end i had to remove the pipe where it connects to the block tighten up the other nut first, then carefully fit pipe back on, i think i had to hold the pipe with something whilst i tightened it back up to stop the pipe twisting and working the connecting piece loose hope this helps and makes sense
  10. mass air flow meter, its a sensor in the pipe that you have been removing but thinking about it, it should start with a faulty air flow sensor so best get it plugged in so you dont waste money on new parts...
  11. maybe the air filter is blocked? or problem with your air mass meter/ maf wild guess... best thing to do would be to get it plugged in by a member off here near your area and go from there
  12. ok cheers i will whip off the trim and take a look thank you
  13. there is a super helpful parts department vw daybrook nottingham ive rang them several times and they are very helpful with cross referencing part numbers and offering what help they can i have actually rang them before for turbo part numbers failing that i have a 2010 etka vw parts electronic catalog, basically software what vw has, exploded diagrams, part numbers the lot i bought it off ebay never installed it have a look -- http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2011-ETKA-7-2v5-EPC-VW-AUDI-SEAT-SKODA-ETOS-EPC-/180639231465?pt=UK_CarParts_Vehicles_Manuals_Litterature_ET&hash=item2a0eefede9#ht_5864wt_1130 drop me a pm if you want it..
  14. thanks for the reply i had a listen to the sensors and the rears are all clicking.. does anyone know where the rear beep comes from?
  15. hi all i fitted a new ecu from an auto into a manual the sensors work at the front but not the back is this because i havent had the ecu coded back to a manual?
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