hello my galaxy did the 3rd 4th only thing the other day, but the wife got it home i rattled the gear stick around for 10 min and all seemed fine again however 4 days later it happend again......unhappy wife came home with aa this time.... how could i fix it, if it wasn't broke my diagnosis started with the fact that the gearstick is stiff means that the cables are still fastend on, if they come off it goes sloppy. but will give simalar gear selection problems. after research i feared it was the pinch bolt problem illustrated by other people on this forum. so i removed the gear selector mechanism off the top of the gearbox (about 2hours in the dark!!!) was pleased to find the pinch bolt still there but it was only finger tight so glad i went after it. now refitted with thread lock!!!! however the problem was fine rust and crust that had developed on the main selector shaft that goes into the gearbox, so lots of wd40 and wiggling the selectors about got it going fine. this was easier with the selector unit removed however not necessary, bit i did catch the pinch bolt before it fell out!!!!!! if you have the seased shaft problem wd40 is the way and have an assistant wiggle the gearstick in the car, Also i recomend removing the reversing light switch off the side of the selector unit as the void behind it was coverd in dry crust that had come off the shaft it also allows you to get more wd40 to the lower half of the shaft. keep flushing it till the wd40 runs out clean. i do recomend removing the selector unit tho and sorting the pinch bolt, i;m happy now that it won't fall out of mine and eat the gearbox, all about 5hours work and a bill of less than