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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Galaxy 1.9 TDi Zetec 1999 (V)
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  • Region
    South West

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  • Interests
    Music, Sound Engineering, Drums, Recording.
    Seeing how much musical equipment I can fit in my Galaxy!

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. I was in the same boat with my '99 Zetec... made even more confusing by the fact that the previous owner had had a new key cut by Ford, and they had supplied a remote type. Remote locking on the Zetec originally came as a very cheap option bundled with a boot load cover. It's not as easy as just adding a key, there is some hardware missing. I would imagine it would be technically possible to source and replace the missing bits, then the car would probably have to be connected the the Ford diagnostic equipment to enable the facility. I went for an aftermarket solution, much cheaper and works perfectly. Hi Paul, Thanks for the helpful reply. Just to add to my annoyance about the lack of RCL, the barrel on the driver's door has now broken and just spins constantly. I've searched the forums and found that I now need to buy the repair kit. Which I ordered off ebay today. To make matters eeeeeven worse, I had to order 2 kits because the passenger side lock is also broken (but the chap failed to tell me that when I bought it....) meaning that the only way I can lock and unlock is via the boot. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/public/style_emoticons/default/angry.gif So I am now DETERMINED to get this bloody wagon to be RCL so if you can suggest an after market solution, I'd be very grateful.... Cheers for now, Jamie
  2. So - having scratched my head a while longer on this topic, I am left thing this: My 1999 (V) 1.9 TDi Zetec has central locking - is it possible that this central locking system can be converted to use a remote? Or is it already remote and I just need a replacement key?
  3. <br><br>Hi - did you ever progress with this? I have a mark 1 that I'd love to convert to remote.....
  4. <br><br>HA HA HA!! I told you I was a newbie! <div>Thanks Caff - I came to exactly the same conclusion myself earlier today.....</div><div><br></div><div>Have to say though, I'm a bit disappointed that there's not remote central locking..... :-(</div><div>I thought it'd be a pretty standard feature...</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
  5. hmmmmm......I had a look on ebay for a key - the only one I could find that was the same as mine, was this blank one from a T reg... Every other key I've seen has 2 buttons on - one for lock, one for unlock.... Surely Ford wouldn't have produced a car in 1999 with electric windows, alloys, A/C, central locking, but no remote control???? or am I being too optimistic?
  6. Hi there fellow Galaxians! I'm a newbie 99 zetec owner - I have very little knowledge of cars...but I'm a very tech-savvy sort of chap! I've had a look through the postings on the forum and I can't find the answer to my problem.....so here is my dilema... Having just bought the Galaxy today, I have discovered a few little faults that the previous owner didn't tell me about (but I'll come back to those later!) He told me that it didn't have remote central locking but on giving me the keys, I saw that his 'spare' key was actually remote fob (see attached picture) He'd been using the non-remote key as the main one ( and for 4 years his 'spare' sat in a drawer :o) "Great" - I thought..."I'll just check what type of battery it needs cos it's probably flat" So I tried to open the key.....with a dining room knife......and in the process, I think I managed to completely destroy the bit of glass that covers the transmitter :o (It was only after ten minutes of extreme frustration that I realised the key clips out...) Anyway, my point is this: Upon inspection I can see that the tiny silver transmitter in the key has two (what look like) antenna coming out of it. If this were a light bulb I would expect to see a wire joining them - but there isn't. Will this still work and if not, how do I go about replacing the key? Thanks so much for any help you may be able to give me - I'm so happy to have found this site - there's clearly a lot of switched on people here and I look forward to reading up a little on my new purchase!
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