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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy '02 2.3Ghia

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Cheers El Dingo Got the assembly off, looks like I'll be running around without a spare wheel for a while !!!!! :ph34r: Thanks Phil
  2. Hello Everyone, Just putting my spare wheel on, but silly bollocks here has put it on upside down !!!! As I had already wound the wheel up, I then had to wind it back down, but after a couple of windings, the ratchet kicked in and the winding nut is just spinning round now even though the wheel is at the top !!!! Can't fathom out why. WHY ME !!!!! Now a 2 minute job is going to take me hours, YET AGAIN !!!! Please can anybody help. Thanks Phil :ph34r:
  3. Hello John, That's got it, Thanks A Lot !!! :D
  4. Can anyone tell me how to remove the rear bumper? Cheers, Phil
  5. Hello, I've just bought a detachable tow bar off ebay, and they say fitting it is a piece of cake, nothing is ever as easy as that!!!! Can anyone tell me where the electrics for the tow bar wire up to the car? Is it easy enough or hard work? Thanks, Phil B)
  6. Hello vr6galaxy, sorry I have'nt replied sooner, but I did get your reply on the 14/08, and the brilliant 'How To Do It' diagram, and got the radio out first time. Many Thanks, Phil :D :D B)
  7. Can anyone tell me how to get the radio out of the Galaxy, and what to use to do it with? Cheers, Phil
  8. The glass pane of my drivers side window has become detached from the mechanism that moves it up & down, the mechanism still works via the electrical switch, but does'nt move the glass pane. First of all I need to know how to remove the door panel, and 2nd is it easily remedied!!! Cheers Anyone :D
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