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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About maz

  • Birthday 10/18/1973

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  • Region
    East Midlands

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  • Interests
    RC flying, Building planes, laser cutting.

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Member (2/8)



  1. Fank oo!!!! email recieved. ;)
  2. Which one? lol. email addy in old account i no longer have. maz@*****************.**.** is what it needs to read and is my new email ;) Have checked hotmail addy..nowt there. [edit reason] to stop spam bots harvesting your email address
  3. I dunno.. just no pleaseing some people. ;) ;)
  4. Price?? Any problems with it? tax and test?? service history? tyres state? All useful info. :lol:
  5. Im gorgeous eh.. :lol: Must be blind. :lol: :lol:
  6. You Changed my password yet on me old account. :lol:
  7. So very true im afraid.. Oh, and as fer the B1tch bit.. i always knew you loved me. :P Ive missed our fights. :D
  8. Ahhhhh,,, hello old friend, wondered if you were still around. Still got yer shotgun at the ready? :P
  9. Best not let my youngest know that. She likes helis, and i have a blade in the house that is waiting for her to move up to, she can hover very well about 2 inch off the floor with her wee heli, but up and down nope.. she cannae do that too well yet, it will rebound off the ceiling and hit the deck. I have an indoor twister heli, an ace thing to fly. Only prob is that you need to keep the Tx in line of sight with the heli or you lose the signal. I much prefer my FW planes though specially my raven which i throw around in the air. My Gremlin needs some tweaking as it does about 4 rolls in a second which is pretty darn fast!! Do you belong to a club Baz? Dave do you fly at all?
  10. My MKII 52 plate Ghia, with the media, only cost 2600 thats with 180k on the clock, and it had new tyres on it. it depends really on where you sell it, and what people are prepared to pay. Mind, i got mine at a bargain price as the guy had had it up for sale at
  11. Yes there is evidence ofit. The clutch pedal still seems to be working ok, car is still drivable.
  12. Im loseing brake fluid and we believe its leaking from the clutch slave cylinder, now a couple of things. If its just a seal, can just the seal be replaced or does it need a new slave cylinder? also is it an internal or external cylinder?? The brake fluid is having to be topped up every week at the mo when i get the brake fail, STOP, service manual beeping at me on the dash. Im assuming the clutch needs to be replaced at the same time, what about the dual mass flywheel?? is there a replacement part that is one unit?? and how will i know if that needs replaceing aswell?? I have searched by the way... but didnt get the answers i required. im driving around 250/300 miles a week if that makes any difference to anything. ta muchly for any help /advice given as i need this prob sorted before the clutch/brakes fail, as i believe the clutch will go first by feeling spongy? its a 52 plate 1.9tdi which has done 181k miles. Maz
  13. had another email..
  14. Hi Fleng, all caps is considered shouting on a forum, we dont mind you pming people about the discs bought off ebay, but posting pictures off them isnt really a good idea.Copywrite and all that malarky.
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