Im loseing brake fluid and we believe its leaking from the clutch slave cylinder, now a couple of things. If its just a seal, can just the seal be replaced or does it need a new slave cylinder? also is it an internal or external cylinder?? The brake fluid is having to be topped up every week at the mo when i get the brake fail, STOP, service manual beeping at me on the dash. Im assuming the clutch needs to be replaced at the same time, what about the dual mass flywheel?? is there a replacement part that is one unit?? and how will i know if that needs replaceing aswell?? I have searched by the way... but didnt get the answers i required. im driving around 250/300 miles a week if that makes any difference to anything. ta muchly for any help /advice given as i need this prob sorted before the clutch/brakes fail, as i believe the clutch will go first by feeling spongy? its a 52 plate 1.9tdi which has done 181k miles. Maz