I have a 2002 Seat Alhambra 1.9 TD PD 115bhp and replaced the glow plug in the aux heater soon after buying the car around 2 years ago as the aux heater was not working at all. It was a horrile job - I ended up completely removing the aux heater and temporarily joining the coolant pipes to keep the car on the road. The biggest issue was removing the seized bolts/screws fromthe aluminium casing to get it apart. Anyway, it started working straight away after refitting so I was pleased with myself. However, I do not think it has helped warm the car up any quicker. Although the heater fires up when it should and both pipes that run to/from front of car get really hot it still takes an age for the car to warm up. On a 15 mile journey you just start feeling a little warmth after the 15 miles (typical outside temp 0 - 8 degrees C). I chnaged the thermostat which made no difference and also had the front end of the car well elevated for a couple of hours with engine at working temp to eliminate any air locks. Something I have noticed is that when the aux heater initially fires up there is a ticking/tapping noise that I have never been able to pinpoint. I know there is an electric water pump on the n/s of the engine bulkhead and wonder if there is a way to test this? Any comments on this would be very welcome - its disappointing that I put the effort into getting the glow plug changed but it didn't help stop me shivering lol. Cheers Phil