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    sharan 1.9tdi
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    North West

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  1. hi guys, thanks for all ur replies and suggestions. Unfortunately, due to a family member being taken ill in hospital, i'm going to have to postpone the work until they are better. I promise that i will get back to you as soon as possible. take care
  2. thanks very much guys. being a novice, could you please post a photo or some sort to show me what this "soud deadening" thing looks like as well as a step-by-step guide? Also do i need to remove ALL front/back/rear door trims or just the front passenger/driver? Will this mean i will have to remove the whole carpet?
  3. Thanks Mirez, Since the black/white striped pipe is short, someone must have added the small pipe to make up the loss, and its made out of plastic. There are no leaks coming from this pipe or any other, however it is pretty lose and you might get the odd drop or two. I can find no wet patches/water on the floor or seats anywhere at all, so i can't understand where its coming from. I'm beginning to think its the air we breath out, as breath air is warm and full of moisture which then rises and hits the roof, which in turn is cold turning the rising air into water....could this not be the case????? :rolleyes: There is one thing i'd like to add and that is around 8wks ago, when this problem happened, i did use a coat hanger and prodded the sunroof drainholes (quiet aggressively) but nothing seemed to be blocked. However, I then poured a lot of water down the front passenger side hole. Most came out from near the wheel arch, but after a bit, some also started coming out from the passenger foot-well.
  4. You might be right mark, but surely this would not cause such severe condensation?
  5. @ gregers - not too sure about the windscreen mate as i don't know how to check with so much moisture around. I want to try and tighten the bolts of the sunroof, because i'm suspecting that more than anything else, but due to the severe ice problems, i want to wait until the weather is a little warmer and then try and tighten the bolts. @ cyborgs - again, this could be the issue, but everything is frozen, so i might wait until the temperature warms up a degree or two. thanks again
  6. hello gregers mate, thank you very much for the warm welcome and helpful info. I checked out out the following:- coolant - absolutely full to the max drain pipes - as said before in the pics, they are slightly short/loose, however i tried using cable ties, but these keep breaking, so i plan to get metal jubilee clips and screw them on for a tight fit. windscreen - i can't tell if the windscreen has any leaks, but before i took the roof lining off, i didn't have any water stay on the windscreen, so its unlikely sunroof - now here is where i'm suspecting the problem as the sunroof seal seems to let water in, albeit very slight amount heaters - The front heators work fine after the vehicle warms up, but the back/passenger heators are disconnected due to the roof lining coming off rear washer - do you mean rear windscreen wiper? If so, then yes it works fine. The water jet blasts out okay too and there is no wet puddle.
  7. Hi guys, I have got a very big problem with my vw sharan 1.9 tdi 1999 (same as a seat alhambhra?). About 6-8 weeks ago, we got a heavy downpour and when i set off in the mpv and moved off, a small amount of water (no more than a handful), dropping from the clock side. I thought it was a sunroof seal leak, but since it was very minor, i left it. But the problem began to get worse, albeit only slightly. I decided to take off all the internal roof lining about 2 weeks ago and found lots of condensation formed at the top of the whole roof (front to back). I decided to dry it off, leave it and keep an eye on it. As you guys will be aware, we got severe winter in uk and the snow/ice have made the condensation problem even worse! The windows/windscreen are totally covered in moisture and i really don't know what to do or what it could be. I took it to a local garage and the guys seemed lost as to what the cause could be and charged me for nothing. I don't have enough income to take it to a specialist and i'm hoping that if someone on here can give me an idea/advice, then at least i can go to a better garage with some knowledge, otherwise they might rip me off. Please could someone help me! Thank You Below are plently of photos to give you guys a better picture:- http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/4264/p102024901.jpg http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/6849/p1020250l.jpg http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/7493/p1020251y.jpg http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/70/p1020252p.jpg http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/2109/p1020253ox.jpg http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6023/p1020258f.jpg http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/1931/p10202600.jpg http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/7988/p1020261l.jpg http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/7746/p1020262v.jpg
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