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    East Midlands

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  1. I have a 2001 1.9tdi Seat Alhambra. I too have exactly the same problem. My Fuel Gauge drops when the car is going round corners and when im breaking, Feels like the sensor is bobbing about on top of the fuel as it moves about in the tank. And ofcourse it beeps when it detects low fuel. Its really REALLY getting on my wick now!! The speedo is dead too. I have occasionally had the speedo working (for short periods) and when it does, the fuel gauge is normal. There has been no significant work done on the car in the weeks leading up to this problem, nor anyother problems. I did have the gearbox rebuilt and the coolent system fixed (the gearbox oil was mixing with the coolent) but this was 12months ago. If anyone has any infomation or fixes that can be checked (on a low budget) it would be great!
  2. First of all check coolant level? has the level gone down? there have been instances where water pumps have failed but you would surely be overheating if doing motorway driving. The cooling system is self bleeding providing water pump and run on pump are working correctly. Is the booster heater still working or is that dead? I have no idea what "booster heater" is. sorry. There is no signs of overheating at all. The water temp are 100% normal. I know that the gearbox oil is water cooled and that temp is normal too. I let the car stand for an hour or so after getting to work, then took the expansion tank lid off. There still was a lot of pressure in it. needless to say a fair bit of water came out. I will check the level of that again before I set off home.
  3. Hi, Sorry all, I know you guys must be sick of people like me joining and asking stupid questions. I would like to know where to start in fixing myself (xmas round the corner - cant be paying a garrage) my cars heater. I have a 2001 Seat Alhambra 1.9TDI Auto. Over the last week the heating has been fading. Only seemed to blow any heat if i was doing over 60 on the motorway. When i slow down or stop at a junction, the heat would just turn cold. However, since yesturday I have had no heat what so ever. No matter what setting or fan speed i put it on, its always cold. All the buttons seem to do their job, fan speed etc.. however just the temp doesnt chance. Same for the rear heaters too. I have only gone as far as looking at the fuses and all "seem" ok. Any ideas where to start??? Thanks All
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