You all have given me a lot of help already and I thank you. I have not spent a great deal of time, I admit that, but there is so much info here, it is a bit confusing. I bought a 1998 Galaxy with 145,000 miles, it is Gas with the 2.3 Engine. I have a few issues and I want to efficiently use this forum to deal with them. I am a US citizen working in Kaiserslautern, Germany, living with my US Army stationed daughter & SIL. (Grandbaby calls me Papa, I love it...) I went through the dealer section and did not see any German dealers mentioned in this area. Is there anyone in the forum that lives near K-Town that has good luck with a dealer? Perhaps there are very few German living folks on this site, I am here because I understand most of your English words... (joke in there somewhere) For example, how would I go about finding a manual on-line so that I can reference it. The one that I have is in German. I have seen reference to a on-line english language manual here but can someone help me out by stating how to get to it? A general dealer question. Since my van is part VW and part Ford (part Seat, I do not know what that means?), has anyone found that a VW dealer is better prepared to work on the car than a Ford dealer. Just curious, I know that the quality of the dealer depends on the local owner and quality of the mechanics, etc. Is there a FAQ button somewhere that I have not noticed? I see reference to the FAQ but have not figured out how to get to it effectively. If I had a problem with a specific thing, I assume I could search the FAQ. Will I need to specifically search my model or are there enough similarities in the new and old models that both should be searched? Sorry for the deluge of questions, I have a feeling that you have seen newbies before and perhaps can point me to the most efficient way to learn to get around. Best regards, Olehere