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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    1998 Galaxy Van
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  1. Howdy from Hutschenhausen, Germany! I have access to only Fram oil filters at my Army base BX and am wondering whether the correct oil filter - based on a Sales Associate - is the 3600 series. (He quoted a PH3600 but there are a couple of upgrades that use the same number but different letters - one as I recall was a filter good for 7,000 miles.) Does anyone have access to the correct filter - the only Fram web site I can access is the American one and they do not list a Galaxy since it is a Euro based car. Also, I am planning on buying Mobil 1 oil at $6.46/quart. Does anyone have any comments on the kind of Mobil 1, ie 5W-40, etc. Also would like to hear how much I should upgrade the filter. Most of my driving is low speed autobahn - yes, my low speed drives them nuts here. Thanks, Olehere
  2. Thank you for the prompt reply - I thought I would check before leaving just in case - great tips to check. By the way, I just bought the car and have driven it only a couple of days now. I will check the wiring on the center tail light and look for breaks. I noticed the exposed wiring and looked at the outside and did not see any problems. Do the breaks usually occur in the part of the wiring that you can get to if you unwrap the outside cover? Or could the breaks be further into the car or in the light itself. I assume the breaks would be on the part of the wiring harness that is exposed. That will be where I start. Great news on the pollen filter - I should be able to do the change out quite easily by following the very thorough instructions. Thanks! to whomever did the initial work. One question about air filters. I assume this is a cabin air filter and that there is also an engine filter. I think I see the box on the left side of my engine compartment, just behind the slide up door access to the passenger side head light. I have not yet checked that filter but will probably replace both when I do. I just got an oil change - used synthetic oil to extend the life of the change. The gentlemen that I bought the van from just used 10-30 Castrol (non syn I assume). I have not checked the FAQ's but is there anything wrong with swtching to syn? (2300 engine with 144,000 miles on it.) I hope not... someone a while back said that syn oil will keep the engine cleaner and that you might have gunk coming off the engine affecting its performance. I heard this tale years ago but now am wondering what effect the syn might have that is negative. Thanks for the thought on the thermostat problem. It is possible that the thermostat is the problem. Could I ask the ultimate dumb question and ask which hose entry or exit to the radiator is it located. (Drivers side or passenger side, top or bottom? I have not looked at the radiator yet so I am not sure what to expect. I do note that the fluid level is below the min on the plastic storage bowl. Are you supposed to check the level after the car is warmed up? Sorry for the dumb questions - really a newbie. I would appreciate if anyone has access to where I could get to an on-line manual for the Mark 1. Does anyone ever see an actual manual on e-bay where I could purchase one? Thanks for all the help. You guys are great. Best regards, Olehere (Retired USA GI Dad making regular visits to Germany for the travel opportunities. I also miss the grand baby.)
  3. Hi you all, I tried searching for an answer in the FAQ but in my cursory review, I did not find an answer. (I did see some great work on how to change a temperature sensor on a different model, but nothing on a Mark 1). My Galaxy is the 1998 Mark 1 with the 2300 engine. The temperature gauge nevers comes off of cold, not even a smidgen, so I assume that there is something wrong. I suppose there is a sensor somewhere. I suppose there might also be a fuse involved with the temperature gauge. Can anyone give me a reference to work already in the Technical Guide? One other problem as well. The 5 or 6 bulbs in the back door center break light are not coming on at all. Can anyone tell me which fuse it might be on the Mark 1 that I need to check out? (My owners manual is in German.) Is anyone aware of a manual in English, on-line? Also, one more thing. Does the great pollen filter instructions (with pictures I noticed) also apply to the Mark 1? My recollection was that it was done on the Mark 2. I will be gone for a few days but will check back on Friday for any info people are willing to share. Thanks, Olehere
  4. You all have given me a lot of help already and I thank you. I have not spent a great deal of time, I admit that, but there is so much info here, it is a bit confusing. I bought a 1998 Galaxy with 145,000 miles, it is Gas with the 2.3 Engine. I have a few issues and I want to efficiently use this forum to deal with them. I am a US citizen working in Kaiserslautern, Germany, living with my US Army stationed daughter & SIL. (Grandbaby calls me Papa, I love it...) I went through the dealer section and did not see any German dealers mentioned in this area. Is there anyone in the forum that lives near K-Town that has good luck with a dealer? Perhaps there are very few German living folks on this site, I am here because I understand most of your English words... (joke in there somewhere) For example, how would I go about finding a manual on-line so that I can reference it. The one that I have is in German. I have seen reference to a on-line english language manual here but can someone help me out by stating how to get to it? A general dealer question. Since my van is part VW and part Ford (part Seat, I do not know what that means?), has anyone found that a VW dealer is better prepared to work on the car than a Ford dealer. Just curious, I know that the quality of the dealer depends on the local owner and quality of the mechanics, etc. Is there a FAQ button somewhere that I have not noticed? I see reference to the FAQ but have not figured out how to get to it effectively. If I had a problem with a specific thing, I assume I could search the FAQ. Will I need to specifically search my model or are there enough similarities in the new and old models that both should be searched? Sorry for the deluge of questions, I have a feeling that you have seen newbies before and perhaps can point me to the most efficient way to learn to get around. Best regards, Olehere
  5. Hello People With Galaxy Experience - I have been looking for a 7-seat Galaxy and a friend told me he has seen one has has middle seats in the back, virtually making it an 8-seater. In my mind, since I do not have one yet to look at, it would have to be juryrigged to do that. In one did succeed to do it, based on seat width not being too wide, seat brackets being retrofitted, etc., would it be legal to drive in Germany? I am not sure of the laws that allow for major changes to OEM condiditons. I am curious about whether my friend was smoking something funny when he had a vision of a 1998 Galaxy 8-seater. Thanks, Olehere
  6. Does the Ford Maintenance plan recommend changing the timing chain at certain intervals? I am trying to understand whether there is a potential maintenance cost issue just ahead. Thanks, Olehere
  7. I went through the forum a bit but am confused on what the recommended service should be for the timing belt. I am thinking of buying a 1998 Galaxy with 144,000 miles but seller is not sure if the timing belt was ever changed. Can someone give me a thought on this? He said that he might be willing to split the cost of the work with me on the purchase price. In the US, usually on my Lexus, the dealer also recommended changing the water pump as well - the cost was about $350 for all of the work done. Any thoughts on this? BTW, the seller is asking $2795 if you are interested in that detail.
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