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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

John Helyar

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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy 2.3
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  • Region
    South East

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Sweet that worked i was putting the belt on right so that part was ok but the belt was still a pig to get on but all sorted now.
  2. great i will give that a try 2moro then cheers for the advice
  3. might sound stupid but only way i cud get the tensioner to move was to undo it and then pull it out a bit and twist it and it still wudnt go on i cudnt move it while it was screwed in fully or am i still doing soemthing wrong
  4. I will check it in the daylight i did have it a different way to start with but the belt was very lose but i will double check when i can see as its rather dark now if i still have a problem i will reply back 2moro cheers for your help
  5. i used this one which i found on here. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/uploads/monthly_06_2007/post-3488-1181050991.jpeg i hope this is correct otherwise i have wasted alot of time trying.
  6. Hi there i have a W reg (2000) Mk2 face lift Galaxy 2.3 DOHC and my Aux Belt Tensioner had some what melted and fell apart now i have picked up a new one and gone to fit fairly simple to take old one of and new one on but i am having major issues with getting the belt on. I have followed a Diamgram on there how to route the belt back on but i cant get enought slack to get the belt on can some one please help me out and explain how to get enough slack on the belt to refit it please as i have spent a few hrs trying to figure it out and i cant seem to get it right. Cheers
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