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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    South East

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  1. Don't know how long its been like it, Missus drives the galaxy all week I only get it at the weekend!, but the heater is only blowing cold air no matter what the temperature setting! The galaxy is a 2.3 ghia 03 plate and the heating was fantastic last winter ut now its in demand again its not playing ball HELP!!! Once upon a time I was very hands on with my car alas not for a longtime now but I was thinking along the lines of flushing the heater matrix and changing the coolant (this always worked with the many sierra's I had years ago) and if that is the answer is it as stright forward with the galaxy as it was with older fords??? Amazed that Haynes don't do a manual for the mk2 galaxy! I never opened my toolkit without it before! any idea's/suggestions appreciated I don't want to just send it into the garage if its a quick and relatively painless fix. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi, The headunit/changer is malfunctioning in my galaxy its original ford 5000 cassette with changer, the radio works but the display flashs constantly I brought the car with the intention of just replacing it with a ford 6000 model and the thinking that there's 'plenty for sale on ebay'! alas there isn't!! Now bearing in mind my galaxy is a whole new puppy to me, I know I can fit a standard size stereo in there with a blanking plate or similar but i wanted to stick with a ford unit if possible. I've seen on ebay whats advertised as a galaxy unit but its slightly different to the normal ford 5000/6000 unit, perhaps a later version for the mk3?? question is would it fit into my mk2? failing that does anyone know where I could possibly obtain a ford 6000 cd player from other than ebay?? many thanks Greg
  3. Thanks guys I'll look into it, have a dig though the forum. and thanks for the welcome, I'm from Colchester in snowy essex!
  4. Hi, I've just purchased 03 2.3 ghia, really happy with car in general but I got 2 keys witth the car 1 just standard key (which works fine, opens doors and starts car) the other a 2 button remote key last owner changed battery in the key but to no avail, the key itself opens the door and turns the ignition but car won't start with it!! I take it the transponder within the key doesn't work or the car doesn't recognise it? How do I fix that? I saw a reply somewhere that said get a key with remote off ebay but how do I know which one to get?? any help appreciated, thanks in advance.
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