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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by zed650

  1. Thanks Topbloke, but both side are grooved! as it passes over and under several pulleys, but on side had a felt look and feel with the other rubber. I've installed it now with the felt side 'insisde'. Que posts/replys "wrong way round" :20:
  2. Ready change my Aux belt soon and on buying the replacement I've just noticed that one side has a slighly felty look/feel to it with the other side being rubber. In the packaging it was twisted round to a figure of 8 so I don't know now which should be the real inside. Or does this matter as it winds around so many pulleys anyway? Thanks in advance Z
  3. Ta, Passanger side Mk2 (2002) single switch. Tried e-bay and GSF earlier with no luck, so of to dealers then.. Z
  4. Hi all, After some over enthusiastic pressing of the window switch my eldest has went and knackered it. Can you recommend any on-line etailers who can supply the switch unit, or is it of to trusty Fords on Mon (might take son along as part ex!!!) :lol: :D Cheers Z
  5. Despite the TIS requiring a 'special tool' all that was needed was a spanner from my trusty draper tool box. The belt hasn't been changed yet as the noise has mysteriosly dissapeared. Thanks all.
  6. Hi, Following some trouble with my Aux Belt (making a noise). I have tried a search to locate somewhere to buy the Ford "Special Tool" Release Tool, Belt Tensioner 303-676 (21-235) to allow me to replace the belt and check the tensioner, prior to a possible replacement. Do any of you good guys know where I could purchase this item. Thanks Z
  7. :D
  8. Well the wallet wasn't thrashed all in for the service came to
  9. mmmmm Popcorn (check) Comfy seat (check) Beer (check)
  10. Masked Marauder, I too suffered the same as dave, tried to book it in for a service but the VW garage said they cant touch the Gal as it's not a VW and mechanically it's different!!!!!! Must be that blue oval. Yes dave I to smelt a load of BS. Still they were good with the passat. The car is out of warranty and this is the first service that I have arranged since owning the car, it has a full Ford stamped book and I thought it would be a good idea to get a service and check over from the professionals (still very open mind at the moment with the actual Tech's). It's not my only car but it is the one the wife drives about in with the kids. But, depending on my experience and/or wallet thrashing, I may well be looking at an indi. in the future.
  11. I had to get that off my chest last night. I agree with you Galaxysam, confidence ' sales, increased bussiness, etc' can be won with that phone call, if there is backup there to support the staff. The service manager checked the job sheet and yep it was booked in for a cam belt!! He changed the sheet but I'll have to get the wife (or take a holiday) just to check that they havn't changed the timing belt (changed in July 05) and left the reported fault. He did say he will use "the special oil." I'm sorry for this wee rant but I will be very prepared to praise them if everything is done well. Its just that when I had the VW the garage knew exactly what to do and gave ready advice and V reasonable costs. Please Ford do the same if you want my do$h.
  12. My wife has just booked our Gal in for a service at our local ford dealers. She was asked the reg and as it was an
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