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    Galaxy 2.3 Ghia 1997

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  1. hi all....just a finish to the problem if anyone has same symptoms.... it was the crankcase ventilation system pipe that had a small crack in it :-( made a real big difference to the engine :-( but now replaced and its all running sweetly as a nut now :-)
  2. you are a star ;-) I've found a small split in the rubber elbow from the metal tube under the exhaust, now i just need to work out how to get to it and replacing it :o any ideas for an easy fix??, short of taking the exhaust manifold off and dismantalling the front side of the engine?
  3. Ok, car is still revving upto about 3500 at times and stalling at others. Stalls when cold and smells as if its running rich. but the plugs are a uniform tan colour. New plugs and coils. Tested resistance and all seems ok. Changed fuel filter, oil and air filter. Cleaned MAF, engine runs even worse with it disconnected and also cleaned throttle housing and air temp sensor. Can't see any hoses off or perished :-( Changed lambda air sensor, in case it was a bad fuel issue but no difference. Code reader sometimes picks up a 0171 code but only if i've been mucking around under the bonnet disconnecting the MAF etc, everyday use just shows blanks -----. I'm just gettin fed up with it all but can't afford Frauds prices even to look at it as I'm sure they'll just go on a change everything and charge the earth. And from others experience that seems to not solve the prob anyhow. When driving at below 2500 revs its like a kangaroo and also when shutting off the throttle slightly at over 3500 revs its like a switch on and off. :rolleyes:
  4. Now changed the lambda, still no difference :-( really lumpy idle and when shutting the accelerator at about 4000 revs its like switching off the engine for a short second, bit like an on off switch on the throttle
  5. It all started about 3 weeks ago :-( A couple of days before I'd changed the oil etc.......only took the undertray off and obv undid the oil drain pipe but that was all. Filled up with petrol a couple of days later and about 10 mins later it all started :-(.... tried all sorts so far and still not got to bottom of it, but funny you should mention pipes etc in the engine does seem a bit more "hissy" at the front/exhaust side of the engine towards the cam chain end but i cant locate an air leak.
  6. Hi all, I've a problem with my 1996 2.3 Galaxy Ghia and i'm at my wits end to try and fix it. I've searched the forums and tried the solutions I've found so far. Symptoms: Starts OK but then "hunts" as thought its on 3 cylinders and sometimes stalls or revs up to 3500. When it revs to 3500 if I press the clutch it drops back to approx 1000 but sometimes then rises back up and sometimes tries to stall. But if I don't press the clutch it goes from 3500 to about 2000 and then back up to 3500 in a cycle up and down. On a run and when the engine is at about 3500ish while in gear, at about 70, if I reduce the accelearator pedal slightly it feels like the engine just suddenly cuts out, such is the jolt, its not a nice deccelearation feeling. In town at low revs its very lumpy and feels like a kangaroo sometimes. Generally it smells like its running rich when i'm in traffic or parking up etc. And only getting about 27mpg on a long run. Had the plugs out and they all look a uniform colour, light tan/sand as I'd expect. What I've done so far. Changed the plugs, coil packs, air filter, oil, cleaned the idle control valve more than once, had a code reader connected but it shows no error code :-( Disconnecting the MAF made it worse as I recall. HELP!! Any ideas??
  7. I set the cruise control using the button on the end of the indicator/high beam stalk, and all works ok even holding the button increases the speed. Its only when I brake or use the clutch that it disengages (as it is supposed to do) but when I slide the Resume switch it doesn't resume, but if i use the set button on the end of the stalk it works as normal, just the resume doesn't work.
  8. come on guys, there must be something I can do? :ph34r:
  9. tried the holding the resume switch but still no joy :-((
  10. hi, but if I had split pipes wouldn't the entire cruise control be not working? It's only the resume that doesn't work, and I searched all the messages before posting but can't find anything related to the resume function.
  11. Hiya everyone, weird problem on my 2.3 ghia 1997, the cruise control works fine normally but when i either press brakes or clutch it disengages (which it is supposed to do) but when i slide the resume switch I get a kind of doble click from the relay behind the radio but the cruise control doesn't resume ;) Any ideas guys? as it used to work fine :D
  12. thanks for the info, you're a real life saver, just finished and it's still light :D once again a big thank you
  13. Hi Guys, my 1997 2.3 ghia was running cold, so i thought it could be the thermostat stuck open, I took housing off and no thermostat there at all :D !! So I now have a new thermostat to fit but don't know which way around to fit it :D , please help please!! B)
  14. hi all, both my heated seats have stopped working at same time. when i operate the switches i get a click from underneath both from what i assume are relays, is there a seperate feed to the seats for the main power or a fuse that i don't know about? Just seems strange that both went at same time :lol: Any help appreciated as I am gettin a cold bum lol
  15. sounds just like mine today, for the 1st time the gauge actually moved to the Norm position, well for about 5 mins, then went back to the off position. After stopping off for some food and getting going again it didn't move until about 15mins into the journey when it went back to norm, again for about 5 mins then off again....seems weird though. Might be a bad connection that is only making when the instrument panel gets to a certain temperature??
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