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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by gsxrgrowler

  1. Thanks Gaz After checking that the 109 Power Relay and replacing the Cam Shaft Position Sensor which still had the click but no turn over, I was able to aquire a replacement Starter Motor from a salvage yard. Swapped out and the motor turned over first time, so all back to normal operation Thanks for the heads up on the St motor Regards Bryan
  2. Evening Went to start the bus and the engine will not turn over, can hear the relay click but nothing 1. Checked all the fuses 2. Checked the battery and is charged full Any ideas please? As im typing could it be either the main power relay or the starter motor Cheers Growler
  3. Could you tell me what you fixed / replaced please as im having the same problem G
  4. Had the same problem with the joint under the air box when the pipe from the pump to the joint snapped. Remove the box Remove Bumper/ head lights and enforcement bar With some wood prise the from radiator plastic panel down and this should give you room to get at the pipe joint. The joint was a git to part so i cut leaving about 5 inches from the joint used mole grips to clamp the pipe and used a hair dyer to heat up the joint. after a while it finally popped apart. The good thing is the 3 o rings are on the snapped cut part of the pipe so the other side is intact. On ebay they sell joint splitters and joiners for about
  5. Anyone out there with any ideas please? Cheers
  6. Evening All 53 plate 1.9TDI Gal When cold is all fine until the temp gauge reaches between the 50 mark and 90 mark the power will drop, engine still runs but no response from the pedal. leave to idle for a few seconds and it will re rev. This is Very Dangerous if driving through towm which can be an @rse. Also the engine will cut out completely and will not start for a few minutes. Now at the moment I've replaced the following Fuel Filter The Master Power Supply Relay The Fuel Pump Relay Checked inside the fuse box area for broken wiring but all appears to be ok? After a search on here, there is talk of either the fuel pump, Fuel Injectors, Glow Plugs which maybe causing this Any of you good fellows could shed some light onto the problem with this damn galaxy Regards Bryan
  7. Afternoon Found a label sitting on the O/S Suspension How can i work out the colour of my Gal Its a light blue on a 53 plate Regards Bryan
  8. Thanks Seatkid Don't know what you mean by PD ..... lol
  9. Evening, Any TOP How Too's in replacing the Fuel Filter on my 1.9 Tdi please? Hope its an easy task as I don't want to put in a garage or drop the fuel from the tank Thank peeps Reagrds Bryan
  10. Morning Chris, Any Idea Where this Cam Sensor can be located please? Bryan
  11. Hi Z The Actual 109 relay is the Power Supply Relay to the Engine. I Googled the Part Number as its an actual VW part and this was the result. After ordering the part from VW direct as way far cheaper than Frauds, they also confirmed the type of relay. Im now a little confused that the Garage said its the Camshaft Sensor which is causing the problem ???????????? Would this single sensor cause the total power / electrical failure and make it that it wont start the engine then after a little battle start. If a sensor goes either faulty or intermittent then the Engine Management Light or ECU should kick into Limp Home Mode (NO)????? Im not a Tech Head, as more a DIYer using common sense as other cars ive never had or heard of this problem before. I've also been told that its possible that the Fuel Filter maybe causing the problem and needs changing Did u have this checked out at Ford or VW? Regards Bryan
  12. Ok Many thanks will try chrome Regards Bryan
  13. Evening all Any reason why the FAG external links dont work please? Regards Bryan
  14. Evening Same problem with my 1.9TDi. After reading the excellent post I've replaced the 109 Relay which is the Power Suppy Relay but having the same problem of cutting out. Any more tips please? Am looking at replacing the Fuel Pump Relay and the Fuel Filter. Regards Bryan
  15. Hi Replaced the relay this Saturday Gone Today the Gal cut out twice Anyone got any other ideas please Regards Bryan
  16. Morning All Im looking for the Colour Code of my Gal and can i find it anywhere. No Chance in Hell Anyone know where to look please? Having a Daft Morning Regards Bryan
  17. Many Thanks Guys Excellent tips and advice Regards Bryan
  18. Evening Having a niggle with my Galaxy Starts up fine but very intermittantly the engine will lose power and die. Try to restart and nothing, leave switched off for a few minutes and will start. Then for no reason cut out again. Im quite concerned especially on busy roads. However went out this Sunday just gone and drove 130 miles to and from home and didn't cut out once. But today a short journey and the problem re-occured. Am i thinking a relay(s)??????????????? Any advice / help would be appreicated Thanks Bryan
  19. The strange thing about this thread is, Ive got Coolant and aircon fluid dribbling from the back side of the heater box under the dash and im currently removing the console to investigate :rolleyes: Will keep you posted
  20. Afternoon, Have just bought 4 early mk2 alloys, these are the oval shaped patterned not the straight spokes. Fitted perfect on the rear hubs, but the front calipers rub on the inside of the alloy. Would anyone have an idea to what size spacer would be recommended to bring out the alloy enough ( if anyone has had this problem before ) to clear the caliper? Regards Gsxrgrowler
  21. Evening All, Have developed a wierd noise when going round left hand bends as a slowish speed. Nothing on A or Motorways. Sounds like an on and off squeek. when wheels are straight it goes away. I can only assume its from the off side front area either springs or drop link.... Any ideas would be great Regards GSXRGrowler
  22. Morning, As per your second pics ref wiring, what would be the pinouts please. have modded the roof mount plastics to house a mk1 digi clock Thanks Gsxrgrowler
  23. Happy Xmas and a Merry New Year all. Can anyone tell me the pint outs for a Mk 1 Digital Clock please? Im doing a mod for my mk2 :) Diagram or just the info would be super Regards Bryan
  24. Have a query as to why when my dash blowers are on say 3 on the switch, the left hand side blowers are fine, on the right hand side there is very little air being pushed through. Whats the best way in checking if there is a blockage or is this caused by something else? When the gaugue shows 90 on the gauge with the heater dial on max its only warmish air. not roasty hot. Any Ideas Please? Cheers Growler
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