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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    North West

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  1. got a friend with a battery pack...still wouldnt start defo got a sparks from all the plugs im lost ive no idea i can hear a clicking from the relay/fuse box when i turn the car over any ideas
  2. theres no lights flashing on my door/led its never locked or opened using the keyfob so i use the key to manually open and close the car what u think
  3. hi hope you can help ive got a ford galaxy 2.3 petrol 2002 reg started fine last night but this morning it wont start.... it will turn over...got a spark for the spark plugs etc... but theres a strong smell of fuel could this be the relay 167 sticking....ive read on this forum it could be relay 30 etc any ideas please thanks btw im based in blackpool if any1 lives near me
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