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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by darren

  1. thanks for the advise, I havent had time at mo to go over the wires yet, just a thought though, does anyone know what colour cable I should be looking for. Many thanks.
  2. Hi there, just wanted to know if anyone knows what colour cable should be for the central locking/electric windows for mk1 galaxy.
  3. Hi mate, sorry to sound silly but what do you mean by paddles, is it the handle that you pull, and if so do you mean they sometimes stick in the outer/open position.
  4. Hi there, i have been checking cables in tailgate and doors, and in the tailgate loom, there is a black and yellow cable that has broken. Does anyone know what this is for as I have no idea. There is a towbar fitted, so dont know if it's for that. Also, does anyone know what colour cable is central locking. Many thanks.
  5. Hi mate, just to let you know , my mk1 is the later 98 reg and there is no ecu module under the passenger seat. Anyone knows where it is and what it looks like could you let me know, I could just replace that and see if i still get any probs. Many thanks
  6. hi there, i have read simular issues regarding wires in door gaitors, I have the later 98 mk1 galaxy,now and then i find when i go to the car in morning, i found the windows have opened and locks have unlocked. I have looked at the wires in the gaitors, but no obvious signs, a liitle wear and tear on some though but not sure if that was enough to cause problems. Any ideas if it is not the wires. I havent taken door card off yet, I am a bit scared i might not be able to put it back on again but if needs must then i will have to take it off to have a better look at things. As this is not only windows but also central locking, i'm assuming it is to do with central locking. Could it be a dodgy relay, or if like so many galaxy's, if it still may be the wiring, could it be further inside the door which is why i cant see obvious damage in the gaitor. Many thanks.
  7. PHEWWWWWWW.. luckilly, it was the vacuum pipe, it had a hole, has now been plugged so only a tempory fix. I am having trouble finding suppliers though. Found some on ebay which are sold in meter lenghths, so can anyone tell me if you buy the hoses like theses or are there specific ones made and shaped for galaxy. Thanks.
  8. thanks Chris and everyone else who replied. I,m taking it back to dealer tomorrow, the guy seems ok to me and had already offered to sort it out, well i hope that he means hes gonna pay for whatever the problem is. I paid 1500 for it, 98 reg 123k miles and diesel, it is the best one by far i've seen and sounds very sweet so i have no plans to get or try to get refund. I must say that i cant hear the hissing noise now, but still hard to brake suffiently, and still no go for emergency stops. I really hope its the vac hose. And according to haynes , pumping brake then whilst keeping foot on brake turn engine on and i do feel the pedal go down slightly( not to far down), so that seems ok. Anyway, back to electrics, i just used it for work, only round the corner, when going home it was all frozen up so i put on the window heater and that also turns on dash lights, and when i was reversing the reverse light didnt work unless i turned the window heater button off. I guess those problems are common and hope i will learn how to deal with them, ( with a little help from you all). Well once again i wish to thank you for the replies, any more will be great, and i hope one day i too can reply and give advise to someone.
  9. hello, i have a mk1 galaxy tdi, i bought this 3 days ago and have noticed its hard to brake hard. There is at most times a slight hissing noise coming from a seal on what i believe is part of the servo,(the bit that the brake pedal arm pushes into), i noticed that the hissing stops as i touch the brakes. Also, where there seems to be a black seal on what i believe is the servo and i can press it with my finger and sounds the same like it lets air in. As to the braking, i can drive it ( with care) but no chance of emergency stop, as when i apply slight pressure its ok, but if i want any more than just slight braking then i have to press really hard and even then its doesnt stop sharp. I have had a couple of people round and thay both said its the servo, so i would very much like opinions on this as to wether it all sounds like it is.I have tried the test in the haynes manual about pumping brakes several times, then turn engine on whilst foot still on brake, and i do notice the pedal goes down slightly then stiffens, also every time i take foot of the brake you can really here the noise like its a quiet version of a foot pump. My problem now is cost as my budget was used in the purchase of the car. While on here there is another thing which i may post as seperate subject as i'm not sure if this has anything to do with this but when i apply the brakes the dash lights up as if i've turned the lights on, and on the right the fog light indicator lights up, they all go off as i take foot of brakes. Anyway, any advise will be greatly appreciated and i would like to thank anyone who contributes to this very useful site.
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