Evening thought i would share this information regarding the gearbox oil grade. I followed the thread that Sparky Paul gave me (cheers) and in it they mention the VW specification oil number which for the 6 speed transmission is G052171A2. I searched the internet using this information and also questions regarding the 6 speed box and found a lot of the discussion on the VW and Skoda owners club forums, from this i was able to work out that the specification for this (GO52171A2): - Fully Synthetic 75w-90 to GL5 specification. Some recomendations / experiences of these owners (who i guess use the exact same vw 6 speed box as in my galaxy)was to use Motul Motyl, Valvolene or redline fully synthetic 75w-90 brands as an alternative. the general concensus however was never use Silkolene... I would also add that there were other members that would only use the original VW stuff, although it is highly unlikely that VW make there own oil..