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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    galaxy TDI
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    South East

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    Harlow Essex

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  1. Evening thought i would share this information regarding the gearbox oil grade. I followed the thread that Sparky Paul gave me (cheers) and in it they mention the VW specification oil number which for the 6 speed transmission is G052171A2. I searched the internet using this information and also questions regarding the 6 speed box and found a lot of the discussion on the VW and Skoda owners club forums, from this i was able to work out that the specification for this (GO52171A2): - Fully Synthetic 75w-90 to GL5 specification. Some recomendations / experiences of these owners (who i guess use the exact same vw 6 speed box as in my galaxy)was to use Motul Motyl, Valvolene or redline fully synthetic 75w-90 brands as an alternative. the general concensus however was never use Silkolene... I would also add that there were other members that would only use the original VW stuff, although it is highly unlikely that VW make there own oil..
  2. Cheers for the info Sparky Paul, :-) i wish these manufacturers would keep it simple and just give a range of suitable oil grades for these things, would make it a lot eaiser!!!
  3. Can anyone please shed any light on the grade of gearbox oil that is used in the 6 speed manual gearbox that is fitted to the 115 ps 2002 diesel galaxy? I have tried searching on here and have looked in the FAQ's but cannot find an answer ( i am fairly new to this site ;-)). I have a ford TIS disk but the specification for the box doesn't specify a grade just a ford number (me thinks) N052171VX00. I went to halfords yesterday but they do not detail the type of oil required, all they could offer was a grade of oil that is used by most ford and Mazda vehicles... any help or advice would be greatly appreciated....
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