Hello! Thanks for answering me. I had a one more question, is faulty temp sensor should be in errors that i get by vag-com? I tried use vag-com and elm327 for check, but i get no errors by eml327 and some form vag-com. But i think this errors not related to my problem. Please look at then, maybe you could say something. VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-US
Chassis Type: 7M - VW Sharan
Scan: 01,02,03,08,09,15,16,17,18,19,29,36,37,39,45,46,55,56
Address 03: ABS Brakes
Controller: 1J0 907 379 G
Component: ABS 20 IE CAN 0001
Coding: 12812
Shop #: WSC 00020
5 Faults Found:
00283 - Front Left ABS Wheel Speed Sensor (G47)
35-00 - -
00285 - ABS Wheel Speed Sensor: Front Right (G45)
35-00 - -
01276 - ABS Hydraulic Pump (V64)
16-00 - Signal Outside Specifications
00283 - Front Left ABS Wheel Speed Sensor (G47)
16-10 - Signal Outside Specifications - Intermittent
00283 - Front Left ABS Wheel Speed Sensor (G47)
04-10 - Mechanical Malfunction - Intermittent
Address 08: Auto HVAC
Controller: 7M0 907 040 BC
Coding: 00014
Shop #: WSC 00020
2 Faults Found:
65535 - Internal Control Module Memory Error
00-00 - -
00779 - Outside Air Temp Sensor (G17)
30-00 - Open or Short to B+
Address 09: Cent. Elect.
Controller: 7M0 962 258 J
Component: Multifunkt.Einheit 0001
Coding: 04097
Shop #: WSC 00021
3 Faults Found:
01179 - Incorrect Key Programming
35-10 - - - Intermittent
01135 - Interior Monitoring Sensors
35-10 - - - Intermittent
00989 - Fuse for Consumption Cut-Off (S157)
37-00 - Faulty
Skipping Address 15-Airbags
End --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------