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Everything posted by reZon

  1. http://www.allcarpartsfast.co.uk/ford/ford-1020666-pan-assy-engine-oil/
  2. Like this http://www.elcats.ru/ford/scheme.aspx?model=ed0dfd92-420b-45fe-95f1-ec127ac6078b&pid=49E005BE&office=ru ?
  3. Ho ho! I looks like the story come to the end. It seems my problem was combining of air leak in idle control valve(part number 6NW 009 141-011), oxygen sensor(part number 0 258 003 714). When i replaced idle control valve problem became smaller, and now i replaced o2 sensor and seems it gone. Big testing tomorrow. I`ll report about results. Cost for spare parts about 114 pounds.
  4. I sad that i also used elm327 that for engine check, and no fault codes. I check splits... it is look fine for me... but i think is there some methods of inspection that i can use another than my eyes look. 90deg... I misunderstand how i must check this, i have analog gauge with word "normal" and no any other information like numbers etc.
  5. Thanks i`ll go to service this week for over jobs. And ask then to do that.
  6. Hello! Thanks for answering me. I had a one more question, is faulty temp sensor should be in errors that i get by vag-com? I tried use vag-com and elm327 for check, but i get no errors by eml327 and some form vag-com. But i think this errors not related to my problem. Please look at then, maybe you could say something. VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-US Chassis Type: 7M - VW Sharan Scan: 01,02,03,08,09,15,16,17,18,19,29,36,37,39,45,46,55,56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 03: ABS Brakes Controller: 1J0 907 379 G Component: ABS 20 IE CAN 0001 Coding: 12812 Shop #: WSC 00020 5 Faults Found: 00283 - Front Left ABS Wheel Speed Sensor (G47) 35-00 - - 00285 - ABS Wheel Speed Sensor: Front Right (G45) 35-00 - - 01276 - ABS Hydraulic Pump (V64) 16-00 - Signal Outside Specifications 00283 - Front Left ABS Wheel Speed Sensor (G47) 16-10 - Signal Outside Specifications - Intermittent 00283 - Front Left ABS Wheel Speed Sensor (G47) 04-10 - Mechanical Malfunction - Intermittent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 08: Auto HVAC Controller: 7M0 907 040 BC Component: CLIMATRONIC MPV V111 Coding: 00014 Shop #: WSC 00020 2 Faults Found: 65535 - Internal Control Module Memory Error 00-00 - - 00779 - Outside Air Temp Sensor (G17) 30-00 - Open or Short to B+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 09: Cent. Elect. Controller: 7M0 962 258 J Component: Multifunkt.Einheit 0001 Coding: 04097 Shop #: WSC 00021 3 Faults Found: 01179 - Incorrect Key Programming 35-10 - - - Intermittent 01135 - Interior Monitoring Sensors 35-10 - - - Intermittent 00989 - Fuse for Consumption Cut-Off (S157) 37-00 - Faulty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skipping Address 15-Airbags End --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Hello! Please at first sorry for my bad english =) I`m not resident of the UK. I have a Galaxy 2.3 1999. Five days ago when i stopped on crossroads my car began to shake and tachometer needle start jumping from 1000 to 500 and back. Then i when i stays on parking with engine on, it happens again and engine is stall. As i see it happens only on hot engine and never on cold. Engine cooling fan works fine. I have changed spark plug but problem still here. I heard that may be result of air leaks, so pls can anyone tell how to check this and where( with pictures or scheme with big red arrows ), bacause services in my country said that is my car too old and they don`t want even try to fix it. Pls help if you can. Thanks.
  8. Thanks! I pulling out and then pulling down relay 30, after this all symptoms are gone. Now i will order new relay. This is most value manual about relay 30 in the internet. From Russia with love =) Nikita.
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