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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    galaxy 2.8 ghia
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    South East

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Just a quick update, had today off work so took all the matrix and radiator hoses off and flushed it all through so it was running clear water, took out the water pump to check, it was ok but it was the one with the plastic impeller so whilst it was out i got a new metal impeller one and fitted it, refilled system with antifreeze/ water and ran car for 20 mins with the cap off and guess what HEAT lovely Heat!!!! I would just like to thank everyone for their great help, could not have done it without you.
  2. Yeah just got the car, havnt been on a long trip yet so no over heating. its not losing any water, water was a crappy brown colour. how would i know if i had an air lock? and how would i get rid of it? thanks
  3. yeah run the car for about 20 mins with no cap on.will try flushing out over the weekend.thanks
  4. Latest news, checked all fuses, all ok. Took off the aux pump and got it working, can hear the electric heater flaps opening and closing and guess what STILL no bloody heat from the heater!! also when hot the top pipe on the expansion tank yhere is only a small trickle of water coming through. All pipes are getting hot. Please any ideas? could it be the water pump? how easy is it to change the pump? thanks
  5. Also to add i could not hear the run on pump going so took off the pannel under the wiper motor but for the life of me i could not see the pump!!! imust be blind but to my defence it did chuck it down with rain so put pannel back and went inside. Where can i find this pump because i can not hear it running at any time, would this not working make the heating blow cold only??
  6. Thanks for everyones help, drained system today and refilled so no airlocks but still no heat!! so how easy is it to change the water pump?? any tips or list how to do it? thanks
  7. thanks for your help, whats the best way to get rid of an air lock in the system?
  8. Thanks for the fast reply, just checked water leval and its fine, any other ideas?? anybody
  9. Please can anybody help me please, I have got a 1997 2.8 ghia galaxy and the heater only blows cold air. The fan motor is working fine but its just cold. the temperture gauge goes to the normal position ( half way ) Please any ideas on what it could be before i freeze!!!
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