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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Gaza

  1. Whats it look like ?
  2. new batteries in the remote still no use BUT! by putting the red key on the key ring problem solved, must be a problem with the chip in the remote key.
  3. Thanks for your replies
  4. We have seem to have a fault on our 2001 MK2 galaxy, the imobiliser stays on when the doors are unlocked after several tries on the ingnition the car starts. the remote key does not unlock the car we have to use the locks. is it the imobiliser? has anyone had this problem ? Help!
  5. Hi Hope someone can help. I have a question there's a problem bugging me on our 2001 Mk2 Galaxy, sometimes when we put the ignition key in and try and start the engine there is nothing, the ignintion ligts dim on the panel, there is no starter motor or selonide noise. Take the key out wait a couple of minutes try again and bingo engine starts. Has anyone had this before? I did wonder if we are no putting the key in the ignition soon enough after opening the doors, we often have to wait for kids and seat belts etc. Cheers.
  6. Thanks Mirez easy when you know how. :lol:
  7. Hi, we are new to galaxy ownership, we have a Mk2 2001 vintage. I need to take the second row of seats out, how do you do it? I can't get to budge! :lol:
  8. Anyone know of a good source of second hand parts for galaxys, I need a complete drivers door mirror.
  9. Put the reg of our galaxy in the mam comes back as a 1.9 Diesel! it is and always has been 2.3 petrol :unsure:
  10. Simple's Really, I intend to a service on the wifes 2001 2.3 ford galaxy the weekend what grade of engine oil do I use ? :unsure:
  11. Not charging the battery, it can't drain the battery unless its internally shorted which is unlikely. Alternators generate AC current not DC current so 6 diodes are used to rectify the AC signal, as/when they fail the DC voltage produced will drop and the battery will be charged much slower. As said though that is easy enough to test for and scotts unfortunately already had his replaced without sucess I bow to your knowledge, in my case the voltage could be seen dropping with a voltmeter when altenator was disconnected the voltage drop stopped, replaced the altenator cured problem. It worked for me. :)
  12. Thanks for the reply, yes everthing works except the remote fob.
  13. Hi How do you reprograme the central locking/key fob, we have just brought the car it had been stood a long time without a battery. everything works from the lock on the drivers door but not the key. we don't have a owners hand book. Any Help gratefully recieved
  14. I had this problem turned out to be the altenator draining the battery somthing to do with a faulty diode?
  15. I've just pair
  16. Thanks Mirez, I would never have thought to look there, it took some cleaning to read it!
  17. Hi, Slightly biased here but the company I work for Dayco supplies timing belt kit as original equipment to Ford, they can be brought form any decent Motor factors and if fitted by a registard garage come with a no quibble warranty to cover errors when installed.
  18. Hi, We have just brought a 2001 2.3 Galaxy and I have had to do a small body work repair, My problem is I can't find the paint code on the car. I know it's Metallic Green but thats all, Does anyone know where the paint code can be found ? Heres Hoping Gaza
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