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  1. there is one on ebay for
  2. the engines and parts dont fit but check the internet as ebay is no good for these engines as i found out there was one site that was cheaper ill see if i can find out the name for you and try sharan or seat as often there parts are cheaper and exactly the same
  3. yea i had same problem with like the clutch costing silly price and battery to run it had to do that as well along with a list of others thats why now i sort of dont want to let it go as put the money in and dont want to loose it and nice car when running rite lol mine had the same wires every were got most out but still loads to sort and carnt get a sterio to work in it for some reason. but went throw the mot with only needing two coil packs but now with these new problems driving me nuts body work needs good clean up but i can get to that once its all running as it did for that one weak in the year i have had it lol i spose you have to decide wether you want to put money into it as i did and to be honest if i had none would have just saved the money on the clutch as the car cost me
  4. yea it was but to many time wasters on there so decided to and fix it as carnt afford another one and as i said with the kids pervect car for what i need and as you no not many of these about so dont really want to loose all the money i put into it and yea looks like im out of choices but to do compresion test on it. has yours got holes and numbers on top were it used to be police car dont think the problem come from it being a police car as it looks like it was armed response car and not used much with service history when they had it it was who ever had it after them
  5. yea mine done 137 had to put new clutch in when first got it and found out not easy to find these with 6speed box so cluth flywheel and mass cost me just over a
  6. no just how you feel i got v6 ex police galaxy had same missfire sorted that for a weak run lovely now all sorts of problems and run out of money if you decide to scrap v6 and your not to far please let me no as out of the two maybe able to make one that works lol
  7. easy when you no how and were it all is im trying my best to follow all your advice there so many pipes on this thing i dont no im starting or ending im used to the old engines not these brain sergery easy when you no how i been out every nite trying to sort this and i do apretiate all the help giving i will be going round in circles when people keep telling me same thing sorry i dont no were thermostat is i have said that more then once on here and everything else i have been told i have tried and made no difference and again i have said this i have also giving all information i no so you keep telling me same thing does not work and not much help
  8. tried all that still no luck have also noticed my fan is not kicking in the onlything i have not tried that has been sugested is the thermostat as carnt find it on car thank you
  9. i tried all the things you told me and still the same i changed the water pump as lost my job and carnt aford to go to a garage and sorry about new link i put more updates on my old one for you but you never got back to me but do apreciate all the help given
  10. i have a 2002 2.8 v6 and been told so many differnt things it could be latest being head gasget how do i find out if it is head gasget thank you
  11. just been out with me tourch look for the thermostat and found a flexi pipe not conected as far as i can tell it goes to a black plastic thing on the bottom of the engine looks round held on a round bracket by three bolts with wires comeing out sorry not much help have no idea on these new engines but any idea what that is
  12. thanks silly thing to ask but were is the thermostat thank you
  13. just checked water pump seems to be turning fine
  14. its the oil presure warning coming on. checked pump spins fine
  15. i tried the pipes that you told me there is no water coming out of either of them
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