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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Dola

  1. Surely someone knows how to do this? The factory fitted DVD isn't for earphones only...?
  2. Hi All, Does anyone know how to get a factory fitted MB8000 Visteon DVD sound to play through the 600SE audio speakers? Or is it headphones only via the jacks....? Many thanks..
  3. O.K., thanks for that...
  4. I've just been beaten to a pulp by my kids for not sorting it... :) Any advise on where to take it then around the Shropshire area?...apart from a Ford dealer..? Cheers
  5. Many thanks for your replies chaps. Got it booked in for a vagcom diagnostic in the morning. Fingers crossed!! Will let you know. Chris..are you sure all Galaxy 2.8 V6's are VW engines? I've heard that they used both Ford's own and VW...? Cheers
  6. HI all...I've just purchased a 2004 2.8V6 with MB-8000 DVD and built-in headrest screens. Only problem is, I can't get it to switch on! The audio unit is original Ford and even with the engine running and the radio on...AND holding the power button down for at least 10 seconds....nothing happens! Not even screens! Any advice/solutions greatly appreciated as kids are driving me mad! Many thanks...
  7. I have just purchased as 2004 2.8 Ford engine V6. The Engine Management Light is constantly on so, firstly, I checked all fuses and they are fine. After I checked them, I started it and the EML went off. I drove 10 mins up the road, switched the engine off and re-started only to find the EML back on! Any ideas on what the problem maybe or how to resolve this? Is it right that a 'Vag-Com' diagnostic check cannot find all the Ford faults? If so, can anyone suggest the best diagnostic check? The car runs and drives like a dream, but this light is worrying and I need to get it sorted. All help appreciated! Cheers...
  8. You mean 'with the door still closed'..? Can the panel still be removed with the door closed? How?? :rolleyes: Well I finally managed to remove the door panel with the door still closed but still cannot figure out how to open the door.....
  9. You mean 'with the door still closed'..? Can the panel still be removed with the door closed? How?? :rolleyes:
  10. Hi Chris, thanks for your reply. Forgot to mention that when you put the key in the driver's door the lock just spins freely....Looks like I'll have to cut the door panel to bits to get to the lock and see whats happening.. :unsure:
  11. Hi guys....well here goes. The driver's door on my recently purchased '98 2.8 V6 will not open. The 'open' button on the key-fob has never worked but you can lock the car with the fob. Recently, the driver's door lock has got stiffer by the day. Last month the key got stuck in the driver's door lock when I tried to lock the car, luckily, I managed to carefully remove the key. Now....the driver's door is locked and will not open using either the key-fob, handle, or passenger door lock, and now we have to crawl across the passenger seat to get to the driver's seat. When you open the car using the passenger door lock you can hear the driver's lock and fuel cap whirring away until you actually start the car. Apparently there is a 'door lock repair kit' on the market and I have noticed a place on ebay where they sell them for
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