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About BigRik13

  • Birthday 10/27/1976

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  • Vehicle Type
    Sharan TDII
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  • Region
    South East

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  • Location
    Tjörn, Sweden

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Member (2/8)



  1. I found this site today with pretty detailed instructions on changing the AFN timing belt (in French though and admittedly not a Galhambran). http://www.forum-auto.com/pole-technique/mecanique-electronique/sujet333050.htm I was actually looking for pictures of the aux belt routing, but this looked impressive! R
  2. Coincidently I need to sort out my tailgate wires this weekend. Pulling the boot release activates the central locking and winds all the windows down! I've pulled all window/locking/interior light fuses to make sure there isn't any drain until I can sort it. Got some axle stands and a trolley jack for xmas, but I guess I won't be using those!
  3. I used to have an old renault 5 who's battery used to discharge quickly - I got one of these which was useful (and cost more than I eventually sold the car for). It's essentially a big solenoid that disconnects the positive terminal when the voltage falls below a certain amount, but instantly contacts again when there's a large demand for current (such as starting). It clearly was never a particularly elegant solution but it relegated what was a bloody inconvenient problem of a discharging battery to a minor issue.
  4. Given that there's loads of manufacturers of starters, if I replace the brushes on my old one, to keep as a working spare, do I need to find the make and serial number? The one I've removed was previously reconditioned, so only has the reconditioners name plate on it. (ie presumably bosch needs bosch brushes, not lucas)?
  5. OK so I tried a bit harder and, despite having no skin on my knuckles, I managed to remove the bolts. It really is a case of reaching in and working blind! On my walk back to the house I slipped on some ice and now I think I've broken my arm - at least my knuckles don't feel as bad. Replacement ordered (starter, not arm), and it'll be time to knock the scabs off, putting it in.
  6. Hello - mk1 110 TDI Sharan. The Swedish weather has played havok with my starter and it seems to be shot. I've removed the undertray and tried applying +12v to the starter braid, but not a sausage (though it's eating a lot of current). I've been smacking it with a hammer, but the best I get is a split second whirr when I try to start. I can see how to remove the lower mounting bolt on the starter motor, but how can I get to the top bolt? It seems to be pretty inaccessible by all tools but my fingers. Other posts here have described grazing fingers in trying to do it, it seems impossible! Any help appreciated! R
  7. Looking at the eBay picture really makes me feel my Mk1 is from the dark ages. Still, something else to go wrong, obviously!
  8. Seems unlikely that the cable would stretch - could be the sheared selector bolt problem, though that might not explain the problems you had on the run up o the failure.
  9. Keep an eye on this; http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Genuine-Volkswagen-Sharan-Ford-Galaxy-Seat-Alhambra-Spare-Wheel-Carrier-/160851898040?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2573852eb8#ht_500wt_1413
  10. Worth a try for £20. Mine seems to be holding it together.
  11. I made a roof rack from a few bits of 2x2 stud walling timbers, and bungee strap it to the roof rails. Not pretty but it was dirt cheap. I've transported the mower to the allotment countless times and could easily bungee a load of cases to it.
  12. I've bored people with this before but my leak was from one of the clip holes that hold the trim in place under the passenger wiper bolt. Remove the wiper from it's spindle and check the plastic piece. I sealed the holes, cut the clips off and stuck the trim back with a load of silicon sealant. A bit Heath Robinson but no more leaks!
  13. Nonetheless I'd be interested to see if changing 109 solves your problems. With mine changed last night, I'm going to take a few drives this weekend to see if it's better. Let's compare notes when you've changed it. R
  14. OK so I've taken a look tonight - the 109 already in the car is white, and the replacement I've got is grey. Despite having identical pin layout, the white relay is much large than the new one. Is that normal? Anyhow, I've swapped them over and it's starts happily, so I'll see how it goes for a while. Cheers, R
  15. Great stuff - my dash layout is as per Sniper's posts - thankfully that looks like the easier of the two, Relay ordered - will fit and test and report back. I'm driving the Sharan to Sweden in August and am ironing all these bugs out before they get me stranded on the autobahn! Thanks for help, R
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