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Everything posted by Geege

  1. Anyone converted a LAP BELT into a 3-POINT BELT? I have a 1998 S reg Seat Alhambra 1.9 TDi (Mk1 model) and as many will know the early models have only a lap belt for the middle seat in the second row for rear passengers. I have 3 kids who I wish to put in the second row, however at the moment they sit in other seats in 3x3 belts. I know the newer models have 3x3 where the pillar loop is roof mounted. However has anyone with an early MK1 model managed to convert their lap belt into a 3x3 seat belt - in the actual seat? Ideally I would like be be able to have the pillar loop mounted at the top of the chair itself and not welded / mounted to the roof. (would it be strong enough anyway and the lining would have to be torn right?) What I mean is something like a Ford Mondeo where the pillar loop is in the upper part of the chair itself. Has anyone had this coversion done? If so where did you do it? What companies can do it for me? The only one I have found so far is QuickFit in Stanmore, London area http://www.quickfits.../contact_us.php
  2. Well I've just measure my battery and glow plugs and I think I need to replace them. No wonder it is beginning to struggle in the cold weather. Battery is only reading 12.2 - 12.3v (cold) Glow plug 1 - I can't even get any readings, doesn't display anything thing on my multi-reader. I assume this means it is open. Glow plug 2 - reads 6.33kΩ Glow plug 3 – 0.318kΩ (318Ω) Glow plug 4 – seems okay at 0.6Ω I think I should just replace all four, along with the battery in readiness for winter.
  3. Any suggestions regarding the torque, or should I do them up hand tight?
  4. According to my Ford Galaxy Haynes manual it recommends to torque the new glow plugs to 8 Nm. Is getting the exact torque important? Or can I just tighten to a fairly tight/hand tight? I'm considering buying a low torque 5-25Nm torque wrench just to do this job this winter. I plan to replace all for glow plugs in my Seat Alhambra AHU
  5. I've been having a recent odd noise on start up. It is like a whirring noise that lasts about 2 seconds when you turn the ignition. The sound only occurs on start up and not when driving or turning the car ignition off. My local mechanic said he sounds like the Starter Motor making that sound. Not sure how he can tell from just hearing it. I only had in it the garage to fix another whirring noise - changed the water pump and tensioner & Poly V belt. So I've read in my Ford Galaxy 3984 Haynes manual that changing the Starter Motor appears quite easy and something that I (A fairly competent DIY mechanic I guess) and the level of difficulty is 2 spanners :( Any suggestions? Should I consider a starter motor off ebay as Euro Car Parts and GSF seem far more expensive. Why do they add a surcharge? I fancy a decent brand new one or should it not matter really and go for a recon unit? Any other suggestions for testing or fitting a starter motor, thanks in advance. My car is a Seat Alhambra 1.9 TDI diesel Mk 1 1998 model (S reg) with 90 bhp AHU 1Z engine.
  6. According to the Haynes manual it doesn't seem to difficult to replace the Auxiliary drive belts, so I might have a look under the bonnet today to try and identify the cause and have a look at the pulleys as well. If I have to swap a drive belt is it a job that need to be done from under the car? with the under engine splash cover removed? or can I get enough access from working from top down?
  7. Hi Seatkid - I have the EXACT same marks on my Crankcase Ventilation pipe due to the engine mount. (Seat Alhambra 1.9TDI 90bhp 1998 Mk1, AHU engine). Did you manage to do a mod at all? Do you know the part number for a replacement should I need one (although it isn't completely worn through). Regarding glowplugs - what OHMs is acceptable range of values for the glow plugs?
  8. I've just discovered this problem, well squealing noise coming from the engine. It is quite loud and appears to be a drive belt type noise or bearings or similar. I'm not a mechanic but quite keen DIY'er so would be keen to fix it myself if it isn't too much of a task for me. Any ideas? It appears to be coming from the left hand side of the engine around the alternator, water pump/timing belt area if that helps. The squealing is evident when the vehicle is stationary so I'm satisfied it isn't suspension related and there is no knocking noise, it is just a loud squealing noise. So could it be the Alternator? The Power Steering Pump Drive belt? or similar and how could I diagnose it? My vehicle is a 1998 Seat Alhambra 1.9 TDi 90bhp / 66kW engine AHU.
  9. Thanks Rosie, I wasn't sure as it doesn't work at any speed setting. I'll source a replacement resistor (looks easy to replace according to the Ford Galaxy Haynes manual) and fit that initially - and while I'm at it I might as well take the blower fan out and give that a dusting/clean :) Where is a good place a find a replacement Resistor (apart from ebay? or a scrap dealer?)
  10. Hello, wondering if someone could help me: I have a 1998 Seat Alhambra 1.9 TDI 90bhp AHU engine (Mk1). (I've been using the Haynes Ford Galaxy manual 3984 to help too) My air-con was working fine and my blower was working fine (one all settings, both heat and air-con was working), until one day I decided to turn the control panel switch (1st dial on left) off. When I turned it back on, it wouldn't work at all, no matter what speed I set it on. I had at some point damaged the 1st dial anyway - so decided to replace the whole white control panel with a new one off ebay (the white control panel unit behind the front fascia that houses all three switches). However the blower will still not work. No air blows into the cabin through the vents, only ambient air is ventilated (if you get my meaning). With the new control panel (Part number 95NW18D451A) installed, I tested again, making sure all plugs were in and correct. The blower will still not work, in fact, all I get is a little poot of air as I turn the 1st dial from zero to on. It is though there isn't enough pressure or air (not sure what this indicates). So what now, does this indicate that it may be the resistor is at fault or perhaps the actual front blower motor? For information I know the REAR blower motor works as when I press the fascia switch on it blows in the rear of the cabin. What should I do now? Should I try replacing the resistor pack or does it sound more like its the front blower fan itself which has died? (or even could it be the wiring loom?)
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