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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Daniel Overton

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Everything posted by Daniel Overton

  1. Is there any where that you can get a diagram of what wires should be in the door gator and where they go to on the plug? Mine have evidence of repairs but the windows dont work still and one of the speakers makes a loud pop when the radio is on and you start the car. Like its getting a surge of power to it. Previously it didnt work at all, because of a broken wire, which i fixed. If i could get a diagram of what wires go where i could check that firstly i have all the wires i should have and secondly that they are in the places they should be. Cheers.
  2. This happened to mine. Was a simple blown fuse and once it was replaced it was back to normal. Hope its the same for you is a quick fix.
  3. Which fuse is the rear wiper fuse? My rear wiper worked intamitantly for a few days and then stopped when i made a short in the boot joint that blew some fuses. (number plate lights didnt work because wire was snapped in the boot joint and car failed MOT - only thing to fail YIPPEE). I just dont know which fuse is the rear wiper fuse, there isnt any indication on the fuse flap and i dont fancy tryin to pull each one out to check it - (my fingers are too chubby - lol).
  4. I have this exact same problem on a 1997 Ghia 2.3 Auto Petrol. I cant get the light in the door to do the lighting up solid thing so that i can program the key. I have tried numerous times, using numerous peoples FAQs and instructions and still the light doesnt stay lit. Central locking from the key works perfectly.
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