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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Seat Alhambra 1.9 TDI

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  • Location
    Berlin Germany

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Yep I took it to a local garage and they did the oil change for me but thanks for all the help
  2. Right I have found the filter and cannot undo it even with a wrench. any ideas on how to loosen it Dickie
  3. Got up yesterday ice and snow all over the car all heaters worked, front screen cleared and so did the mirrors great I thought then I then looked in the rear view mirror and the rear window was still frozen solid! Any ideas on how to check the window as all fuses look OK
  4. Does anyone know how to change the dash warnings of a 2001 Alhambra to English. All my waring are in German (not supprising as it is German registered) at its a pain when it flashes a warning and I dont know what it means Regards dickie
  5. Hi does any one out there know how to remove the armrests from the front seats of a 2002 alhambra. I need to do this as the console I have just got wont fit with the rests on
  6. Hi all anyone ever changed the thermostat on a V6. my 1998 is running very cold so I think its time for a new stat, my haynes manual does not cover the V6 so I need to know where the thing is and do I have to remove half the engine to change it.
  7. I have not seen any water under the car when the A/C is on max so I think you may have hit the nail on the head. Where exactly is the drain for the A/C and whats the best method of cleaning it? I am off to my local dealer to get a new pressure cap (should be fun as I am an EX-pat living in Berlin Germany and trying to explain to the locals can be quite hard) Dickie
  8. Thanks for the replies I have have water dripping into the footwell but only once and it did not seem to come from the heater vents. Is a heater matrix change going to cost me a fortune as it seems that to get at it you have to remove half the interior Dickie
  9. Hi I have a Galaxy V6 1998, good car but it has started to smell when you put the heater on hot and it steams the windows if A/C is not running. As I have to top up he radiator very two months so I know I have a small leak, does any one know if there is a valve that could be leaking under the dash or is it a new heater matrix job. Dickie
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