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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mememe

  1. The heater will not fire up unless the ambient temperature is below 5 0r 10 degrees C
  2. Thanks for the responses so far. I have just been offered a second hand box. How do I know if it will fit. are there any numbers on the gearboxes or marks that tell me what model they are.
  3. Hi all, I have a bit of a dilemma. I have acquired a really good condition 2001 2.8 v6 Galaxy Ghia Automatic from a family friend, however it will not go into reverse. I can move the lever to the R position and I can feel it go in to gear but it just wont move backwards. It appears to move forwards ok, but with the lack of tax and MOT I cant really put it through its paces. I believe a band has probably snapped inside the box. My possible options 1. Pay
  4. thanks for that, It just looked like a multi connector to me or is the resistor pack what the plug plugs in to. How long does it take to get to the Resistor pack in the rear, I believe its the same, and would like to have it working for the morning.
  5. Thanks for the reply, how big is the 'series resistor (hedgehog)'. I have seen pictures of the hedgehog on this forum somewhere, but cant see it behind my glovebox. the only green thing there is a 1.5" x .25" multi plug. Is this the right thing for my manually controlled aircon system. If anyone has a picture of the location of this resistor it would really help me. Thanks Simon
  6. Hi all, Im new to posting to this forum but have been reading for several months, and it has saved me a fortune. The latest problem is the front fan blower will not work. It was working but only on speeds 3 and 4. My first thought was the 'hedgehog', but i can not see it any where behind the glovebox and was wondering if the hedgehog was only on cars with climate control. Mine has got manual aircon. I have tried to work out which fuse it is but can't see any that have gone. Please can someone confirm which fuse it would be. I have also read that a relay could be the cause or possibly burnt out wiring and ideas where these might be. Hopefully i've included enough info. oops nearly forgot its a 2000 mk2 1.9tdi Thanks in Advance Simon
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