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    Seat Alhambra PD TDI S

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  1. My Galaxy tdi (2003) is due a timing belt change so was looking at the following: timing belt kit The problem is that kit is for a car "without damper" !!? :lol: What is this damper and how do I find out if my Galaxy has a damper or not....?
  2. The valves are easy to replace..just go to any tyre workshop and they will do it for you. I remember getting one done last year and it cost just
  3. This is a strange one...the Climate control on my galaxy tdi ghia mk2 (2003) won't work when it's warm weather over 18 degreesC. In cold weather it works fine and you can tell by checking the AC pipes in the engine bay. one gets really cold and the other gets hot. The compressor engages fine and can be seen spinning. The problem is when the weather is hot the compressor fails to engage. You can see it constantly trying to engage and then release every 2-4 seconds and the engine revs drop intermittently when this happens. This affects the cars drive due to the constant on-off load from the clutch engagement. :P I checked with vag-com and there is an AC pressure switch (intermittent) code. I am thinking its due to pressure being higher when the weather gets hot. Could this be the problem or is it looking like its a switch problem? I've searched the forums but no one seems to have a problem exactly like mine.... :blink:
  4. I appreciate th replies from everyone. I forgot to mention that I only travel 2 miles to work and back on a regular basis. Most of the other trips are also very short around town. Do you think that would be the reason for the bad economy? The car has also done 117000 miles. Would the high mileage be a problem?
  5. I recently bought a Galaxy Tdi Ghia 53 reg (2003) and am reasonably happy with it after fixing the booster heater problem.. The only problem I have now is that the fuel economy seems to be very bad. The computer usually stays around the 25-28mpg range when around town but the actual real life figures don't match up. I have been monitoring how many miles I do for given amounts of fuel and it not good at all. I put in
  6. Is there an easy way to find out if an engine is 115PS or 130PS. I just bought a Galaxy 1.9 TDi 130PS but am not convinced it really is a 130 BHP as advertised by the previous owner. My previous car was a 115PS Galaxy Tdi Ghia and this new one drives almost the same with only a slight power increase. It is a 53 reg Galaxy 1.9Tdi Ghia. I cannot find any mention of the output power in the paperwork that came with the car. Any ideas?
  7. My 2001 Galaxy 1.9Tdi is overheating when driving at high speed on the motorway. It is perfectly fine in normal city driving. The temperature never goes above 90degrees in the city but on the motorway the temp starts to creep up when the engine is under constant load. The water level and oil are ok. The radiator fans work. The heaters work fine. The top radiator hose is warm. The bottom one is cold. Could this be the problem? I suspect the thermostat, but a mechanic I took it to is adamant that its the water pump.....and wants
  8. Thanks mate i'll check that tomorrow :angry2: Went out to look at relay @ 03.00am (workstime :angry2: ) started the gal up and after about 5 secs gave it a good quick rev and hey presto we are taxiing on the public runway once more :angry: so looks like i'm going to get cooked again on the way home :angry2: Did you replace the relay with a new one or just take it out and put it back in again? I have similar problem on my 2001 MK2 Galaxy Tdi. The heater does not come on at all and vagcom reports an 'implausible signal' error. Testing the outputs through vagcom gives not results at all..no clicks from the metering pump whatsoever. Any ideas?
  9. I've checked with vag-com and it says charge pressure control : positive deviation. This indicates overboosting. I've swapped the (Boost control valve) N75 valve with the N18 valve but the problem is still there. I think it may be sticky vanes in the turbo. Does anyone know if the actuator connected to the turbo should be movable by hand? I tried pushing it but it didn't move at all. It does move when you turn the engine on and off though...
  10. I have a Seat Alhambra TDi mk2 (2000) that keeps going to limp mode when accelerating hard. The strange thing is that when on the motorway it goes to limp mode once when I am getting up to motorway speed but turning off and on resets it and then it usually stays ok for the rest of the hjourney. I've read most of threads on this forum and narrowed down the problem to either boost control valve (N75) or the boost actuator near the turbo. I've checked the actuator from underneath the car and can see it move when ignition is turned on and off and when engine is revved.. I cannot move it by hand though. Is this normal? The N75 valve is the main thing is suspect BUT for some reason there are 2 of them next to each other!! :( I haven't seen any posts on here mention that there's two of the things...I am assuming thqat the one that connects to the vacuum ball type thing in the front of the engine is the N75 valve. As far as I can tell they both have the same part number..Which leads me to an interesting idea. If I swap them around do you think that could cure the problem? I would be interested to know why I have two boost control valves on my car?
  11. do diesels have a lamda sensor and if so where is it located?
  12. Hi, this is my first post so am hoping someone can help!! my Seat Alhambra PD TDi has developed a problem recently where the engine stumbles and hesitates at low revs. The revs drop in a jerky manner intermittently when the clutch is moved to biting point. The car drives fine as long as revs above 1800rpm are maintained. Driving in first or second gear with revs lower than 1700rpm causes the car to stumble and jerk voilently as if a high gear has been engaged. Another thing that I've noticed is that it makes a kind of whooshing /whirring sound when it does start to stumble/hesistate. The sound seems to come from the driver's side of the engine bay. I am guessing and hoping it's something to do with the fuel filter or could it be something much more serious? :rolleyes: I hope someone can help..
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