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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. Thanks both. You can see how my weekend is going to pan out.
  2. Hi all. MK1 1998 2.3 Galaxy, family car for 10 years and it shows. The front left window parted company from the regulator's clamps.Took off the door card and found a clamp in the bottom of the door and also one rubber and one foam 'window guide' No idea where these came from. The right hand clamp had no rubber sleeve whereas the left one did. I cut-off a piece from an old car mat and put the glass back into the clamp. Now when the window is put up it binds up about 2/3 of the way to the top and stops and retracts. If I separate the glass and the regulator the window travels smoothly all the way and the regulator goes up and down smoothly all the way. Any thoughts? Cheers Paul.
  3. Found this one (from Latvia) have asked the seller if they know it's a fit. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131201300682?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  4. Hi all happy Friday. I need to replace the tensioner on my old Mk1 2.3 Gal. Has anyone sourced and fitted just the pulley? (not the idle pulley, the actual pulley on the tensioner). Not keen on paying £70 at EuroCar Parts unless I have to. Cheers. Paul.
  5. Hi all. I need to replace the a/c compressor pulley bearing which I see is a common fault but can't find a source to buy one, everyone wants to sell me a whole compressor. Anyone got a source on a bearing or at worst the pulley and clutch assembly? Many thanks Paul.
  6. Sorry Bob did my own homework, ignore that.
  7. Thanks Bob. Are the bearings available as a separate part or must I measure up what I have and find similar?
  8. Hi all. Galaxy Mk1 1998 2.3 Petrol. The idler pulley is grumbling a bit but the AC compressor makes a racket when I spin it with a finger. I made a short video here. Do I have to change the whole compressor at £200 from fleabay or is there a cheaper alternative? Maybe pull it apart and replace some bearings? Many thanks Paul.
  9. Thanks I'm hoping it's something cheap and simple like this. I'll report back.
  10. Hi all. Bit of a cross-post but my previous post has changed direction because this weekend I connected a cheap eBay code reader. My Mk1 2.3 petrol is driving very poorly and idling very badly. The new reader wont report any DTC error codes (because it's too old for proper OBD) the live data window it does show the error: Fuel Sys1 OL FAULT. Looking around I can find little or nothing helpful. Any thoughts anyone? Thanks Paul, Screenshot of error https://www.dropbox.com/s/7lkg2nk7vfym1h4/2013-04-06%2010.50.54.jpg
  11. Hi. Sorry been away from the internet for a while. Mine is a 2.3 with the double coil packs over the top of the plugs 2 and 4. I had to change them about a year ago. They do still seem to work. This weekend I connected a cheap ebay code reader and whilst it wont report any error codes (because it's too old for proper OBD) in the live data window it does show the error Fuel Sys1 OL FAULT. Looking around I can find little or nothing helpful. Any thoughts?
  12. Hi all. Cross post from my OBD question just asking if anyone has any insight into my engine problem. I have a Galaxy Mk1 2.3 petrol that's running as if it's only using 3 cylinders but it's not, it's using all 4 because I can remove each HT lead and little changes. The idle is very rough and goes up and down, nearly stalls then climbs high again. During driving it stalls, is very low powered and seems very sick. I get the feeling it's a sensor or vacuum fault but can't see or hear anything obvious. Any wisdom welcome. Thanks Paul.
  13. Hi all. I've been round the block and back again researching this and now I'm more confused than when I started. I have a Galaxy Mk1 2.3 petrol that's running as if it's only using 3 cylinders but it's not, it's using all 4 because I can remove each HT lead and little changes. The idle is very rough and goes up and down, nearly stalls then climbs high again. During driving it does stall, is low powered and seems very sick. I've used the OBD connector under the ashtray, using a OBD - USB lead I found on fleabay a year ago I can read the VAG parts of the car with VCDS-Lite. I need to read the engine fault codes for said problems and gather that my current lead (whatever protocol it is) will not talk to the engine, so I need a new lead. Looking around I think I need a ELM327 lead. I've found many on Fleabay but this looks like the one: ELM327 OBDII OBD2 CAN-BUS USB Auto Diagnostic Code Scanner Reader Tool V1.5 UK (shortend URL http://goo.gl/2GLCz ) That said, I've also seen this handheld unit: Any Car Engine Fault Diagnostic Scanner Code Reader OBD OBD2 OBDII CAN BUS D900 (Short URL http://goo.gl/hsnDb ) Any wisdom welcome. Thanks Paul.
  14. Got the spanner, job all lined up for Saturday yay.
  15. Hi all. The workhorse that is our 1997 2.3 Galaxy has had some electricals not working for a while and now the sun's out I'm all for sorting this out. Specifically: Heated Seat - Drivers (Passenger works) Cruise control All closure from door or keyfob The internet is suggesting there's sometimes a problem with the battery junction box. Anyone know if this is likely? And if so, where the hell is it because I can't find it. I'm thinking however that it's near the blasted Relay 30, a job I did a while ago, many thanks to this forum. Cheers all. Paul.
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