2003 Ford Galaxy 1.9tdi 130bhp ASZ Engine code Replacement of the MFU or Fuse box circuit board....... If you can find one of these MFU's or fuse boards for cheap then just follows Nicks photos and you should be ok. You need to be a little bit mechanically confident, not really for a novice. My problem was with my left indicator, just did not flash at all only a faster than usual intermitent clicking. Fords design of the indicator relay being soldered straight onto the circuit board was totally mind boggling. Most other cars have a simple pull out and push in relay. I can only guess it was so that people would only go back to a Fords dealer or one of their franchises etc and spend big money. I asked a ford dealer how much one these boards were and was quoted £989 plus VAT! So maybe £1500 or so with labour.....! LOL Anyway I checked on ebay and found they were around the £50 - £100 mark for a used fuse box, not bad. Also on ebay a guy was selling the actual relay only for £50 but that requires you to be a pretty compitent solderer as the relay is only about an inch or less in length and has 8 points which need soldering. However i couldn't wait for postage etc from ebay and couldnt risk having a dodgy board sent to me etc as my MOT was due in a couple of days. So I called up my spares scrap yard Brancroft Autos who are based in London Edmonton. They have more or less everything 95% of the time. They said a 2003 Ford Galaxy just turned up in the yard and they were taking it apart and I could have the fuse box for £40. I picked up the fuse box and then fitted it all in and tried the indicator and yay it all worked. However have to remind anyone who changes the MFU that your remote central locking coding is on that board. So basically I had to reprogamme my key fob which took not even 5mins. There are many threads on this forum which will tell you how to do this and you only need the 1 key. Regards all Galaxy owners