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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy TDi 110

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  1. Cheers Greggers Typically it's around the back. I will let you know how I get on. Thanks
  2. Cleaning Turbo. Can anyone tell me where to find the turbo on my 2010 Mk 3 Galaxy tdi. I have lifted the bonnet but it's not immediately visible. Has anyone had a go at cleaning their Turbo ? Many thanks in advance
  3. Did you hit water on the dual carriageway as you may of aqua planed without knowing it.This confuses the ESP sensor and will go into limp mode until you reset it by switching off the engine
  4. Hi There l got the problem sorted.15 months ago i had the screen replaced by Auto glass after a large chip in the screen.I mentioned it to them and they came around and took the screen out .They found that it had not be installed properly in the bottom drivers side ( where my leak was ).The sealant was put in the wrong place hence the leak. They replaced the screen with a new one free of charge.Apparently there is a lifetime guarantee with Autoglass !! Screen now all dry and no more misting up
  5. Can anyone help The bottom right corner of my windscreen mists up overnight leaving a lot of condensation on the inside of the screen. l have tried drying the air ducts,no joy turning the fan/heater off ,no joy used AC,no joy Taped the outside windscreen seals, still no joy any other ideas ?????
  6. l know this is going to sound dumb.................but where is the oil filter on my 2010 Tdi 140 Auto Gal.l have had a look underneath but cant see an obvious filter.There are also two drain plugs,which is which. Yours bemused Rosie
  7. Hi Does anyone out there know what should get checked at a Fraud garage on an Annual service.I have just taken possesion of a 18 month old galaxy.The garage said they have done its 25k service,but having checked the air filter,it was black,clogged with with leaf debris and insects etc.The engine oil appears to be jet black and the consistency of milk,which has me doubting it was done at all. Having serviced my old Gal myself,this should not be the case.The garage insist they have changed it,but as a getsure of goodwill !!!!are going to do it again.
  8. Have you tried tapping it with a mallet/hammer or size boot !
  9. Cheers Gregers Defective Alternator tensioner discovered.Renewed and all is well.
  10. Hi My 1999 tdi has developed a knocking noise from the top of the engine at idle,but dissapears when a on fast idle.The car has done 183,000 miles on the original injectors.Could the injectors be the problem ? Ta Rosie
  11. Hi Sorted the problem.Defective Alternator.The Alt was producing the incorrect charge which resulted in ECU not recieving the right readings from the sensors,which led the ECU to believe the engine was always running cold ,hence put more fuel into the system,hence higher revs. New Alt fitted and car now back to normal
  12. Many Thanks.I shall ring them in the morning.The alternator l took off was a french pattern part when l broke down in france 4 years ago.Not a mark or code number in sight. Ta
  13. Hi I have a 1999 tdi Galaxy.The Alternator has packed up.I have taken off the old one but there are no markings on it to tell me what to replace it with.Have been on many websites and there are about 6/7 differents types. Does anyone know what they have so l can order a new one. Many Thanks (Desperate)
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