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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy MK2 TDI
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    South East

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  1. Hi Everyone, Just a quick question. Could anyone help me with getting the Vehicle PIN of my car?. I need it to program the second key which we haven`t got with our Galaxy. I did a bit of research and found it could be easily done through a VAG Comp. Three years ago I asked for help to get the radio code for the same vehicle. I was given the number (based on the VIN). Is it possible the radio code is the same number as the Vehicle VIN? Thanks!
  2. An update. Both expansion valves have been changed. Pressure switch is changed now (including the pipe where it mounts). We changed so far: 1. Condenser (brand new part); 2. Compressor (brand new part); 3. Expansion valve front (brand new part); 4. Expansion valve rear (brand new part); 5. Pressure switch (brand new part); 6. The pipe where pressure switch is mounted to (brand new part). I hoped now everything will work properly. The system was flushed. However, the pressure in the system is still to high. Technician was able to put just 500 gr of gas (1000 gr is normal). There are two fans. One is on all the time. The other one is not working. Is this one supposed to be on all the time as well? There is a cold air in the cabin, but I`m concern the pressure will built up and will leak somewhere again (the reason we changed condenser, compressor and rear expansion valve was huge leaks). Any thoughts as this becomes frustrating.
  3. Hi everyone, I have Galaxy MK2, 2004, 1.9 tdi, auto. Two years ago we purchased this car and got just one key. We live in Australia and these cars were never selling here before. Recently I purchased a genuine key fob (not programmed) from the UK. I found answers how to program the key to be able to start the car. However, it looks like there are two already programmed keys needed to program the new one. If we had two keys, I wouldn`t buy another one. Is there any way to program the new key when you have just one master. Also, is it possible to do that if we have the VAG computer. Do I need a PIN of the vehicle? How can I get this PIN? Many thanks!
  4. Just an update. We found the leak finaly. It is in the rear expansion valve (the rear evaporator is located just above left hand rear wheel). Could anyone tell me if the front expansion valve is identical to the rear one, or they are two different parts? I think I`ve got the part number of the front expansion valve (VW part number7M0820679A or Ford 1564136). Does anyone know the part number of the rear expansion valve? I have to order these two parts as well as the hi/lo pressure switch and to organize shipment to Australia. Is there any other switch (like temperature switch) in the a/c system?
  5. Thanks! The dryer is integrated in to the condenser. We installed a brand new condenser and believe it should not leak there. I don`t know. I am going to a mechanic tomorrow again and will see what is the situation...
  6. Thanks, The system was flushed after we installed the condenser and the compressor. So faulty fans could cause high pressure in the system. Maybe that is the reason of a faulty compressor we had to change. Maybe we should check high/low pressure switch as well? I am still wondering where is the leak? I presume even tough the pressure is high the gas should not leak... It looks like two independent problems, or maybe I`m wrong. I`m just hoping the evaporators are ok.
  7. Just an update, A mechanic checked today if there are some leaks in pipes. He could not identify any leak so far. He put also dye to see what is happening. The pressure in the system was to high. He was able to fill just 400 gr of gas. He is pretty sure the expansion valve needs to be replaced, but can`t figure it out where is the leak. One strange thing. I feel (even with 400 gr of gas in the system) cooling was alright for some time. After few hours it getting warmer and warmer. Fans (which cool condenser in the engine bay) are not working all the time and condenser is very hot after 4 min. of running the car. Strong smell of air con gas can be felt in a cabin now. And front vents blow warmer air than rear roof vents. What could be the cause of this? I am coming back to mechanic in two days to see if dye will be shown somewhere...
  8. Thanks a lot for such a detailed answer. I will be back in Brisbane in few days. As soon as I arrive, will drop of the car at mechanic's place to check the pipes. I will inform you how it went. Thanks again!
  9. I am just wondering what could cause high pressure in the system apart of the valve? Also, we used the green light test to check pipes several days ago. They seemed fine. We will check them again as I said before. Is there anything else which I should check?
  10. Thanks a lot for your answer! We used a dye leak detector. Will let know mechanic to check pipes again. There are rear roof vents.
  11. Hi everyone, I have Galaxy 2004, tdi, auto, 115 ps, dual air con zone system. Last year we topped in the gas in the system. For nine months everything was o.k. Then a/c stopped working. Mechanic said the system needs to be topped up. He did it and three hours later the whole gas leaked out. We realized there was a massive leak out of the condenser. I live in Australia and parts for Galaxy have to be ordered from overseas. I was waiting for few weeks for condenser to arrive. It was installed. When the mechanic started filling up the gas, another huge leak showed up. Compressor was faulty. I ordered new compressor. It arrived after four weeks. Mechanic installed it and realized (during filing the gas) the pressure in the system is to high. I was told the tx valve (the expansion valve I believe; just behind the fire wall) is faulty. He put just 500gr of gas till I get the new valve (thete is a plate which tells just above 1l is normal). No leaks at that stage. It worked fine for three days and then stopped. The gas leaked again I presume as there is not pressure in the system. We did not smell the gas in cabin. Is it possible there is a leak in the evaporator which is in dash or some other place? Pipes seem fine. I just don't know what to do anymore. I did a nice research on this forum, spent a lots of money and the problem is still here. This becomes frustrating. My wife drives our kids in this car and hot Australian summer comes... Many thanks for help! Mick
  12. Thanks Mirez. I`ll try that.
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