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Everything posted by Davehillbo

  1. Well um, ive found out what the clacking is if anyone has the same problem in the future. step one. Open ashtray. Step two. Remove the spare bulb you put in there. step three. Feel like an idiot That is all lol
  2. Yea prob 2 is prob right, but the sound seems to be coming from in the engine itself, i would say around where the EGR valve is but i dont know if that can make that kinda noise, it sounds like a clack, and only does it once when you put your foot down, also does it when say, your in first gear at lights and you lift off the clutch.
  3. what model you got ? and what year ? Ah Sorry, its a 1.9TDI and its a 1998.
  4. Hi all. Damn car again lol, ok, problem number 1! This started today, when i start to accelerate i heard only what can be described as a clacking sound, it does it only once at the start of acceleration and does it in any gear when you put your foot down, the sound seems to come from the far front middle of dashboard!! Problem 2: White smoke from exhause under acceleration, not alot but enough to leave a nice mist floating around. Any ideas? Vagcom showing nothing wrong lol. Im going to cry :(
  5. If it's gone sluggish immediately after belt change I would be inclined to think the timing is out. Hmmm i think you might be right, very small ammounts of white smoke now coming from exhaust, couldnt see this before because of the faulty MAF pumping black out lol
  6. Will that fit in a mark 1 galaxy?
  7. Hi all, With the impending doom of winter upon us, im just wondering if anyone knows the part number or compat parts for the glowplug on the aux heater at the rear. many thanks. David.
  8. Woo, changed MAF to a second hand bosche one off ebay, and its now driving perfectly! :rolleyes: On a seperate note, had cambelt changed early this year, and for some reason it seems slightly sluggish to what it used to be before the change, especially in third, any ideas? David.
  9. Still seem to be getting the clunking, have changed drop links, and sound seems to be coming from centre front of car, any ideas?
  10. Its bizzare, vagcom didnt show any fault codes either
  11. Tempted to get a new MAF, the old one was some dodgy copy off ebay :)
  12. Hmmm out of curioisty I unplugged the MAF and ran it without it, and it seemed to stop the smoke! Could it be the maf? David.
  13. Hi all, I think I may have a split vacuum hose on my 1.9TDI, black smoke when accelerating, loss of power, vagcom finds no faults, just wondering if anyone has a pic of where these hoses are located. Many thanks David.
  14. Ok, how would one attach a new bolt lol, seems in a pretty bad place.
  15. Ok, replaced it and its still clunking, when i was fitting the drop link i saw the big plastic cover under the engine is loose right next to the drop link, i bet this could be causing it, anyone got any ideas on a fix? seems to be missing a popper thing that holds it in place.
  16. Hi all Just wondering if theres a guide to clean the EGR valve on a 1.9tdi mk1 galaxy anywhere?, I dont feel confident enought just to rip it out and give it a wash lol. Many thanks David.
  17. Many thanks! Pulling it seems to make the top part of it wobble on the drivers side, passenger seems solid. Appreciate your help all.
  18. Hmmm it appears that the FAQ links dont work :)
  19. Many thanks! Is it easy to fix or is it a garage job? David.
  20. Hi all we have a 1.9tdi 1998 and im starting to get a clunking noise when going over bumps, it doesnt seem to do it if im driving on a motor way or roads, but say if im turning and going over a bump its quite loud. Any ideas? David.
  21. No fault codes from vagcom, and it seems to be able to goto 50 to 70 in under 10 secs no probs. Its got me scratching my head.
  22. Haha, I give it an italian tune up each time I hit the motorway :lol:, what would you recomend to clean the injectors?
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