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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by marksnavy

  1. Yes mines got one sensor on the left front and one on the right rear. All checked and connected correctly. Disconnected the battery for half an hour to see if that would clear the fault but it didn't help.
  2. when the weather picks up i'll get out there and have a triple triple check, then i might check again.
  3. The extra wiring is already disconnected it's hanging loose, I've just never noticed it before. The light stays on regardlessof what state the plugs in, I wondered if it was something that had to be got rid of with a computer.
  4. My first thought was it was a redundant piece of wiring. Thought I'd ask though. Going back to the brake pad warning light anyone got any ideas about getting rid of it with out going to the dealers. Cheers guys
  5. Hi guys, strange one this. I have what looks like it could be a fuse hanging from the battery. Connected to it is 2 cables, one end is connected to the neg terminal on the battery and the other wire goes off into the car somewhere. Its got a number 25 on the item as well. I cant find a place to put it and there seems to be no associated faults, apart from the brake pad warning light is constantly on even though ive changed the pads and disks. Any ideas, cheers
  6. thanks for the replys. Been looking at other posts and this seems quite common. I'll have to investigate further when time permits.
  7. it sound like the engine area with vibration felt. Doesn't do it when driving normally.
  8. hi guys, when turning the steering wheel from a still position or moving at at crawl there is a rumble. Sounds like its struggling. Any ideas Ford galaxy mk 2
  9. hi guys, when turning the steering wheel from a still position or moving at at crawl there is a rumble. Sounds like its struggling. Any ideas Ford galaxy mk 2
  10. how do you the motor out using a screwdriver. where should i prise it out from
  11. Hi guys i,m having difficulty removing the motors from the headlamps of my mk 2 ford galaxy. Any suggestions please Cheers
  12. Hi guys i,m having difficulty removing the motors from the headlamps of my mk 2 ford galaxy. Any suggestions please Cheers
  13. Hi guys i,m having difficulty removing the motors from the headlamps of my mk 2 ford galaxy. Any suggestions please Cheers
  14. Hi guys i,m having difficulty removing the motors from the headlamps of my mk 2 ford galaxy. Any suggestions please Cheers
  15. Legend, i was beginning to pull, what little hair i have left, out. I'll let you know how i get on. Cheers
  16. Been trying to removed the headlamps for my ford galaxy mk2 I am stumped, can anyone please advice about how to remove. I know theres 3 or 4 torx screws but i can't find them. Cheers
  17. problem sorted. Replaced the resistor pack behind the glovebox (after ford managed to get hold of one) Job done.
  18. No pressure then. :D
  19. Cheers for pointing me in the right direction, i'll take a look at that. See if i can fix it
  20. Cheers for that i'll have a look and add a reply on my findings
  21. The fan settings in my galaxy 2002 only works on settings 3 and 4. 1 and 2 don't blow any air out Anyone experienced this problem Cheers Mark
  22. Hi guys i've got a Ford Galaxy 2002 1.9TDI Zetec. My headlamps won't adjust when I rotate the control on the dash. Any ideas Cheers
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